NY Navigator/IPA Grant List

When will the New York Navigators be able to sit at a computer terminal, take some mock calls and simulate enrolling people into appropriate plans? After the initial classroom training, this on-the-job training should immediately follow.

After all, we're talking about many thousands of dollars at stake for each person, or family, that will enroll in an exchange plan. Not just when it comes to subsidy calculation, but in understanding and explaining the out-of-pocket expense associated with health insurance.

A Navigator, Agent, Assister, Family Friend, Counselor, or anyone else who does not know what they're doing when helping these individuals and families, can easily create major long-term headaches for them.
The point is to have coverage, any coverage, not the plan that best suits your needs. There is no "wrong door". You fill in your income and info, and they tell you the plans you are allowed to afford. You choose from the list, and voila.

Concerned about your drugs being on formulary or your doctor in network? Click the link and check, and choose the one that has what you need.

This isn't Norvax/Quotit/HealthConnect/Etc where you have to actually know what you're doing. This is some kindergarten fill in the blanks and click next type software. It's a small step above the McDonalds "push the picture of a Big Mac if they ask for a Big Mac" system. Those facilitating enrollment will do little more than basic data entry, the onus of decisions lies solely with the enrolled.

TL;DR No need for OTJ training because anyone that can read and type should be able to follow the clear instructions and complete the process. No potential for long-term headaches, because they cannot recommend or advise on options. Responsibility for explaining terms and plan designs is removed by the Uniform Glossary.