Obama vs. Insurance


5000 Post Club
Prepare thyself for Obama to get very ugly about insurance companies in the next week. He has no choice. He has defectors in his own party and in the public for reasons that have to do with his plan- independent of insurance lobbying. In the same way that Iranians lash out at the US when they have internal problems, Obama will have to lash out hard at insurance companies in order to make it look like the problem is opposition from them rather than from the public.

Look for the small signs: Two days ago he referred to his health reform bill as "the Insurance Reform Bill." Freudian? You decide.

The good news: He is doing this because he knows the public option is not going to fly. So his health reform must consist of fiddling with the insurance carriers and the related system. (ie. guaranteed issue).

He is holding plenty of cards, except he is playing defense now. Something we have not seen before. He is going to get ugly with the insurance industry but it is beginning to get plenty ugly for him too. Add August recess to it, and it is not a happy mix for him and we know he likes happy.

A bill this year? No way. Just some skeletal thing with generic goals of guaranteed issue and coverage for all and affordability, blah, blah, blah - if anything.
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obama has more to lose than anyone else.
he has to get a reform bill passed.
since he has everything to lose he will cave in the negotiating.
the rule of thumb in negotiating is that the one who cares the least wins.
therefore, obama will lose.
winter is right. a bill will be passed, but it will have little or no real change.
ofcourse obama will describe it as 'real healthcare reform' or 'real insurance reform'. but it won't be. it will be minimal.
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Look for the small signs: Two days ago he referred to his health reform bill as "the Insurance Reform Bill." Freudian? You decide.

Winter, i noticed that too. i heard him say, 'insurance reform'. it wasn't a freudian slip.
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Winter, you called it.

I received email blasts from two different companies today stating Obama will be attacking/blaming health ins companies tonight. One CEO stated the mud-slinging and placing blame time has arrived.

So brace yourselfs and please refrain from throwing objects at your TV's this evening.
Obama hates the insurance companies, because his grandmother was denied health insurance due to a pre existing condition. That was one of his big issues when he was campaigning. I'll bet he wouldn't turn down campaign contributions from them though.
Well, I didn't heed my own warning and tossed several items at the television!!!:1arghh:

I've counted 13 slams on the ins companies and it's only 15mins in. Oops, 14 as I type...
We're we watching the same show tonight. I thought he did a great job in showing the inefficiencies with all aspects of health care. He brought up if you have a sore throat that doctors decide they make more money on taking your tonsils out than just treating the sore throat. You go in for a test with your regular doctor and they send you to a specialist to get the same test and to another specialist, and no one looks at the first test....i can attest to this, my dad just went through the samething. I don't think he attacked the health insurance industry anymore than the medical industry. I loved his remarks on the pharmacutiacl industry. Anyone that listended could see right through that group. The pharmacutical group just offered up 80 billion in savings to people that are in the doughnut hole. Just offered it up.....could it be that they were worried that the government might actually negotiate lower rates for Medicare, just like they do with VA and Medicaid. You know somethings not right there. I'm a republican....I think Obama is at least trying to help americans get affordable health coverage. There's a lot of politics/profit/lobbiest involved in health care. I talk to people everyday and even I know somethings got to change, and I'm an insurance agent.

Don't you guys think that just maybe he could make your jobs easier if he got a law passed that you could offer health care to everyone you speak with regardless of their health conditions..... Mrs. Jones, I'm sorry that you have diabetes, asthma, cancer, but I can still offer you coverage.
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Don't you guys think that just maybe he could make your jobs easier if he got a law passed that you could offer health care to everyone you speak with regardless of their health conditions..... Mrs. Jones, I'm sorry that you have diabetes, asthma, cancer, but I can still offer you coverage.

You know, that is the one thing that has been bugging me. Explain to me how that is insurance to offer her health insurance? She is already sick and will face massive bills because of it. There is no risk of the unknown, we know exactly what we face.

That seems to be the biggest issue. The problem isn't health insurance, the problem is health care. Everyone keeps confusing the issue. No one gets upset when a life insurer won't accept someone with terminal cancer, but it is the end of civilization as we know it if a health insurer declines the same person. Please explain to me why under any definition of insurance that such a person qualifies for health insurance.
No one gets upset when a life insurer won't accept someone with terminal cancer, but it is the end of civilization as we know it if a health insurer declines the same person.

Let the health care reform pass and watch and see we will be taking people on their death beds for life insurance. Well the companies won't but the government will!

Your crazy if you think it will stop there. And during all this health care and cap and trade they are running a gun control law through the House that will require anyone owning guns to be licensed through the federal gov and all sales be recorded to the government. Watch where we are headed. Obama and our reps aren't trying to help the poor American citizens. Their end goal is more government control over all the soon to be poor Americans.