Obama vs. Insurance

He claims he can save 2/3rds of the cost of providing healthcare with savings in the system. I have no idea what number he is using, but lets say it is $1 Trillion dollars. 2/3rds of that is $650Billion, give or take a few hundred billion. Why go spend all that money? Why not put it towards the deficit until you are sure it really materializes?

Problem is, those savings are never going to materialize.


Anyone who believes that "government savings" are a reality is either a fool, naive, or both.

Can ayone name a single federal government program that didn't end up costing ten times more than the estimates?
I average about 3-3.5% on GI (HIPAA) in CA. That is probably closer to the reality on GI plans long-term. My best is 5% my worst is 1%.

Dave - I know you do a fair amount of small group, which is GI in California and usually pays 8%.

8% on IFP would be tough. It means the average agent would probably have to sell more to a client to make a living. This is how most P&C agents work, since writing just a monoline, liability only car with someone is probably a losing money deal. You have to write multiple things....

You make it up in volume, which would be easier in the new era. We'll have to see if we can come close to 8% though.

To be honest, I really wouldn't care if I took a hit on GI commissions as long as ins companies keep the pay scale intact on non GI. Now if the whole commission structure is whacked, uhhh... I will have issues. Is it feasable to keep GI and non-GI commissions separate?

Rarely do I run into a GI client anyway since my focus is small business owners under ten employees & families. But if I do run across employees of the small business with health issues I'll have something for them also. Takes what, 10-15mins max to fill out an application? More business for me with little work involved, then move on to the next client.

Pains me not having a viable option for the uninsurable now. But, this needs to be worked out in the private sector and not from Big Gov takeover. There are alternatives.

Like I've posted before, representative Paul Ryan explains it best. Watch these vid's in order.

1 - Video - CNBC.com

2 - Video - CNBC.com

3 - Video - CNBC.com

4 - Video - CNBC.com

I would absolutely love to see an Obama vs Ryan square-off on these issues!! :biggrin:
You are dreaming if you think non-GI will exist in the future. This means your non-GI commission structure is going to go away. The question is when, not if.

It may end up like Washington (state) where they have GI/Non-GI choice on each plan at the same premium.

Correct me if I am wrong, but don't Medicare Supplement plans have similar provisions? If the applicant is in the GI period for a Plan F, and has to get it GI instead of underwritten, doesn't that have an effect on commission? It's been a long time since I did one but I seem to remember Blue Cross having an underwritten commission level and a GI commission level.
To be honest, I really wouldn't care if I took a hit on GI commissions as long as ins companies keep the pay scale intact on non GI.

Read the bill non GI is illegal.

Then again so is all private insurance.

Read the bill.
It may end up like Washington (state) where they have GI/Non-GI choice on each plan at the same premium.


I am all for that arrangement but I dont see it happening. Washington State actually has a GI public option and the rest is non-GI.

The price the industry will pay for killing the public option is that all the private plans will be GI. You can see clearly that Barry has already shifted from health care reform to health insurance reform. This is because the public option is not going to happen so he has to be able to accomplish his reform via private insurance plans. The republicans and the blue dogs will go for that too.

Really, this is simply as discussed for the last couple years. Government single payor is not going to happen but GI will be the compromise because it keeps in the private sector. Mandate is not coming but the plan will allegedly entice or punish 95% into joining without mandate and then the stragglers will be dealt with along the way.

There really is nothing new here. Obama is a socialist. A socialist wants to run what they can either through the state and where they can't they accomplish the rest by regulating the private sector to the point where the line between the state and the private sector is completely blurred. Health insurance is about to become Exhibit A. Or maybe it is too late to become the first, given the auto and financial sector takeovers.

You guys that are burning up brain cells trying to figure out what the difference in commission is going to be between GI and non-GI should not waste your time there. That process is about to get a whole lot simpler.

Change you can believe in.
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