Obama vs. Insurance

Guaranteed issue is here to stay.

Even withought a penalty for not having coverage.

I don't think anyone is arguing against GI anymore.
I was humored by tonights press conference. It became apparant to me that Obama has never had private health insurance in his life. I thought maybe that was my take and I was making it up, but several commentators ended up with the same opinion afterwards.

He basically doesn't know what he's talking about, and it really showed. It's a shame, because he has a good cause on some of what he is trying to do.

So, here was my takeaway. He claims he can save 2/3rds of the cost of providing healthcare with savings in the system. I have no idea what number he is using, but lets say it is $1 Trillion dollars. 2/3rds of that is $650Billion, give or take a few hundred billion. Why go spend all that money? Why not put it towards the deficit until you are sure it really materializes?

Problem is, those savings are never going to materialize. Insurance would be less expensive today if they could choose not to pay for things just because some doctor felt they were not medically necessary. You can find a whole list of lawsuits where they tried and lost.

He also gave plenty of cover for not having it done to quickly. We need to get it done right and he won't sign it if..... Okay, I didn't believe the rest of that statement. He did make it sound like he wants it now but there is some wiggle room.

I'm all for guaranteed issue. Why not? Charge appropriately.

If we have GI with affordable rates and I can squeek out 10% commission I will open a shop across the street from every hospital in Texas.

Two problems.

Affordable rates.

10% commission is not likely to happen.
Medicare, Medicaid, VA Health care. These three things say it all. The government cannot manage healthcare and do a good job. The Obama plan will put us deeper in the hole than we are now, raise taxes, cost jobs and deny care to many that have the choice of making their own decitions today with their Dr's advice. Is this really what we need or want?
If we have GI with affordable rates and I can squeek out 10% commission I will open a shop across the street from every hospital in Texas.

Two problems.

Affordable rates.

10% commission is not likely to happen.

I average about 3-3.5% on GI (HIPAA) in CA. That is probably closer to the reality on GI plans long-term. My best is 5% my worst is 1%.