Obama Wins!! What Next?

Obama is going to get the economy back on track. Get us out of Iraq. Save the middle class. Which by the way, NONE of Bush's programs helped the middle class. Obama is going to create 3 to 4 million jobs thru investment in the infrastructure & green technology.

sunmed, why are you down on the UAW?
If anyone really thinks that Obama or our government will do anything in our best interest, you are surely mistaken and/or misinformed.
Obama is going to get the economy back on track. Get us out of Iraq. Save the middle class. Obama is going to create 3 to 4 million jobs thru investment in the infrastructure & green technology.

You forgot free cable for our deserving seniors, and free lunch for everybody!

Some people believe in the tooth fairy too.
BOTH! It is a sad testimony to how much Nobama tapped into the entitlement mentality. Martin Luther King must be rolling over in his grave to see this.

BTW- The UAW is a parasite that has killed the host. Same thing is happening here with Boeing in WA with the machinist union. Unions have worn out their usefulness and now they just propogate the entitlement mentality as well.
He was marketed to the hilt, like a celebrity.

I said to my parents if you saw 50 commercials for a Ford and one for a Chevy, which car would you more likely buy? They said Ford.

Obama was the Ford!
Here's a prediction for you:

Over the next several years the entitlement people will hold a majority in any future election. This will partially come about because all illegals currently in the U.S. will have the right to vote given to them.

Don't think for a moment this is not going to happen. The Democrat controlled Congress will be looking at getting an automatic 12 million additional votes for themselves when this comes about.

Do you think it won't be proposed and voted on? Do you think Obama will veto that legislation?

We are about to cross the biggest tipping point in the history of the world.