Obamacare Rates Jump 51%


While it's nice to state those thing you oppose...

How many of them are you not going to use that are available to you?

Reject them by never ever participating with them and I'll believe you a bit more.

I couldn't care less if you believe me or not.

I'm opposed to helmet laws but when I ride my motorcycle I wear one. Same with seats belts. I'm opposed to mandatory medical insurance but that doesn't mean I won't have coverage.

I make my living helping people find the best medicare plan. I can be opposed to the system and still help people navigate it.

I'm opposed to social security but I've paid 15+% for years into a crappy system so should I reject it when I can collect?

For the record, I'm opposed to:

Medicare Part D
Social Security
Head Start
Common Core
NSA Wiretaps
Nanny state laws
Department of Education (sic)

I can continue but why would anyone attack agents for opposing Obamacrap and ASSUME the same agents aren't opposed to the other programs?

You continually attack us for what we say about Obamacrap. For the record, Part D was unsurpassed for unfunded liabilities until Obama and his minions passed "I won't sign anything that adds the deficit" crap.

Right now the battle is with Obamacrap. Is it ok with you that we oppose it without mentioning everything else in the same sentence?

Selective outrage is the lowest most ignorant form of partisanship. Agents on these threads continually bash certain takers and ignore other takers! Hypocrisy bugs me and agents in the last few years have taken it to spectacular levels. I have not heard agents now or anytime in the past complain about deadbeats attending legal seminars on how to hide their estate$$$ so than can qualify for medicaid custodial nursing home care later on. Never heard agents complain about ma plans costing more than regular medicare while cashing their commish checks. President Bushs part d unconstitutional executive orders didn't seem to bother anyone on the patriotic front on and on. Yet another handout scheme the Romney/Obama plan gets passed and suddenly here comes the outrage, yada yada .
Selective outrage is the lowest most ignorant form of partisanship. Agents on these threads continually bash certain takers and ignore other takers! Hypocrisy bugs me and agents in the last few years have taken it to spectacular levels. I have not heard agents now or anytime in the past complain about deadbeats attending legal seminars on how to hide their estate$$$ so than can qualify for medicaid custodial nursing home care later on. Never heard agents complain about ma plans costing more than regular medicare while cashing their commish checks. President Bushs part d unconstitutional executive orders didn't seem to bother anyone on the patriotic front on and on. Yet another handout scheme the Romney/Obama plan gets passed and suddenly here comes the outrage, yada yada .

So please, tell us about what we may show outrage? What passes your test?

Please, I want to know what I can be upset about.

Rick? While it's nice to state those thing you oppose... How many of them are you not going to use that are available to you? Reject them by never ever participating with them and I'll believe you a bit more.

If one is opposed to social security how do they not participate? More specifically, not contribute 12.4% of their income?
"If one is opposed to social security "

And your alternative is?

Love you guys... You make me smile.

That's my point exactly. You said Rick shouldn't participate if he is opposed to it. He has no choice. We are required to contribute 12.4% of our income to social security. I simply asked you how is a person to do that? Your response, a condescending one.

You guys say you're all about choice, but you really aren't.

As far as an alternative, I say allow us to choose a private option. Even if it's only a partial amount of the 12.4%. At a minimum allow us to direct those monies into investments. And I'll even let the government limit our options as long as they are the same options government employees get (the Thrift Savings Plan). Would you be opposed to that?