Offered by AGLA

Maybe it is 95%. All I know is that at one year my daughter is one of the longest tenured other than managers.
Maybe it is 95%. All I know is that at one year my daughter is one of the longest tenured other than managers.

Sounds very familiar. Kind of like my favorite saying:
Those who can, do. Those who cannot, become sales managers.
Thanks, I have an interview on Tuesday. There training and all sounds good from reading there web site. What do you do if you don't know 100 people?

Do the best you can.. And, remember you aren't listing people that you think might be interested in insurance or even those that you think will grant you an interview. You write down the name of everyone you know (not necessarily friends or family) and then you list what information you know about them. Sooner or later, you or your manager will notice certain patterns developing and it will allow you to identify your natural target or niche markets.. good luck.
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Sounds very familiar. Kind of like my favorite saying:
Those who can, do. Those who cannot, become sales managers.

Not very good sales managers. :no:
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My manager ONLY hires experienced agents; no newbies, so no churn and burn. We get excellent support and a true W-2 salary.

I get free NFIB leads and just go prospecting B2B. I also just show people I know what I'm doing now and throw out the AGLA hooks which are excellent! Good product. My office writes a metric )))) ton of business.
My manager ONLY hires experienced agents; no newbies, so no churn and burn. We get excellent support and a true W-2 salary.

I get free NFIB leads and just go prospecting B2B. I also just show people I know what I'm doing now and throw out the AGLA hooks which are excellent! Good product. My office writes a metric )))) ton of business.

What district are you in? There is an agent in CA08 that has already issued more than 1 million in life premium this year.
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DID I SAY AGLA IUL? I can tell your a person who drinks the KOOL-AID. Maybe you need to learn more about your product. The point is IUL are easy pickings. It's like cherry picking for me. AGLA is trying to make a push, by advocating to replace everything with IUL. Well if that's the case then explain it well to clients. Don't expect to hope they don't run into another agent. Because there is always another agent trying to get in the back door. OR MAYBE YOU DON'T KNOW IT YOURSELF????
what exactly are you trying to say hattie? agla has had an iul for about 6 months now. you say you've been replacing that product for 15 years now. what exactly is your point? other than not liking agla because they wouldn't hire you?
I'm sorry if I offended anyone in this forum. Everyone here is probably well respected in their communities. This is starting to be a tennis match for me, and I want to change my approach to a constructive point of view. I had a very bad experience with an AGLA agent who was trying to replace policies on my books. I didn't like his approach. This is my 1st experience going head to head with an AGLA IUL product. However I have seen many IUL, especially from stock companies or PNC insurance companies. So far, these policies are all the same no matter how you put it. My opinion is that it shouldn't be considered long term instruments. Plus I don't think it's possible to have these policies supplement retirement income. IUL can still be a great product. I would recommend it on younger clients rather than old clients or replacements. Still, I think it should be backed up by a smaller WL policy with riders that lock in the client's insurability. That way should the IUL not perform to its illustration, and I have seen many, the client has an opportunity to increase his WL and drop the IUL using a 1035 exchange. I'm not sure how your company's culture is, but with experience there are some things that we as agents need to think hard about. My suggestion to the green agent is to get in, work the field, and get your experience, because in this industry you're not taught everything. You need to learn it for yourself. BEWARE OF THE KOOL-AID. Every company serves their exclusive flavor. thanks
I'm sorry if I offended anyone in this forum. Everyone here is probably well respected in their communities. This is starting to be a tennis match for me, and I want to change my approach to a constructive point of view. I had a very bad experience with an AGLA agent who was trying to replace policies on my books. I didn't like his approach. This is my 1st experience going head to head with an AGLA IUL product. However I have seen many IUL, especially from stock companies or PNC insurance companies. So far, these policies are all the same no matter how you put it. My opinion is that it shouldn't be considered long term instruments. Plus I don't think it's possible to have these policies supplement retirement income. IUL can still be a great product. I would recommend it on younger clients rather than old clients or replacements. Still, I think it should be backed up by a smaller WL policy with riders that lock in the client's insurability. That way should the IUL not perform to its illustration, and I have seen many, the client has an opportunity to increase his WL and drop the IUL using a 1035 exchange. I'm not sure how your company's culture is, but with experience there are some things that we as agents need to think hard about. My suggestion to the green agent is to get in, work the field, and get your experience, because in this industry you're not taught everything. You need to learn it for yourself. BEWARE OF THE KOOL-AID. Every company serves their exclusive flavor. thanks

On agent does not a company make.. You can't paint all agents with any company with the same broad brush. As for IUL, AGLA has only been selling open since Sept of last year. Theirs is more a less a good solid middle of road product which amy or may not perform to current projection. If sold right, it can be a good product. I have sold ULs since they came out with companies other than AGLA. I have yet to have to go back to a client and tell them their UL is in trouble because I never sold one at minimum premium. All were funded at target or above. They don't have the CV projected but then a lot of the Par polices I sold haven't performed as projected either because many companies reduced their dividend rate.