- 10,806
What worries me the most about this whole situation, so many folks were sold these policies for supplemental retirement income (or worse, told to liquidate their retirement accounts and fund WL - so it IS their retirement income now) - and for many it won't happen. I can see potentially alot of lawsuits coming. Yes, the client signed up for it, and Yes, the company screwed them. But a jury won't care because the bad guy is always gonna be the one who made thousands or tens of thousands, (or in some cases) hundreds of thousands by putting this in place. I've never agreed with telling someone to liquidate their 401k and put it into insurance. That idea always through up a huge red flag for me.
Thinking as a lay person not an agent... if someone sold me on that idea, and it blew up... you can bet I'd be seeking retribution. I don't see how it can't happen. More importantly, how about the people that can't 1035? They are literally screwed... and imo, most certainly have a valid reason to sue. They have a pathetic performing WL policy that won't do near what they were told, and now have no actual investments to use for retirement. That's a tough situation for them, and honestly leaves a HUGE black eye on an industry that has often be thought of as slimy to begin with (by many).
Same here. No way there wont be some huge lawsuits coming out of this.... probably class actions suits against "groups" whos only directive was to promote this "strategy".
There is no defending putting someones ENTIRE 401k info WL. Especially funneling it through an annuity just to do so.
The carriers specifically warn against this. I guarantee those apps do not disclose the TRUE source of funds the money is coming from. And by carrier regs and state regs they are supposed to.
Take Penn for example, they restrict "retirement funding" to 10%-25% of the clients income...
So how can an agent take 100% of a 60 year olds retirement account, and use it to fund WL? They must have one hell of a pension and SS benefit coming into them if they are properly disclosing source of funds and the "plan". But we all know what is really happening... they are failing to disclose the true source of funds.
And we should all know from our AML classes, CE classes, and carrier guidelines... that the source of funds is not just the last product the money flowed through.... it is where the agent originally came into contact with those funds.
Then there is the annuity carrier and suitability. They certainly are not telling the annuity carrier the true intention of the annuity transaction. They are not going to approve a client taking 70% of their 401k and putting it into an FIA, just to funnel it into WL.
This is exactly they kind of thing agents get sued over, get licenses suspended, carrier contracts terminated, etc.
While I dont claim to know exactly what TBL is telling agents to do.... assuming they are promoting this scheme of funneling through annuities and hiding the true SOF.... they could be seen by a court of law or regulator as a "co-conspirator" to insurance fraud. Because lets call it what it is, if you lie on the app about SOF, you are committing insurance fraud.
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