You don't need to buy leads or dial if you do it right. Websites, email campaigns, ect will get you more leads then you could ever want. Easier said than done though ! I completely understand the part where you don't like to stay inside all day, your day is probably way more exciting!
You are selling FE right????????????????????
Oh dear God! Another one who pries on new forum members posts.
I was not saying it is going to be easy at all. BUT I have had several HIGH TURN OVER sales jobs and have been #1 out of hundreds of sales people and the #1 sales manager when 99% don't make it 3 months- so no I won't feel naive. Excuse me for being confident.
Thats great, so you wont have any problem when 9 out of the 10 agents you "build" into your team quits....and at the same time leaves some roll up debt for you, right?
Just remember, pimping aint easy