Our Dumbest Customer Screw Ups


Because I'm so used to these people screwing up I always have them sign several apps

I've had plenty of them screw up their own names over the years
Yeah lol when I write RNA I literally write out their name and today's date on a piece of paper. I then explain that I will hold it up when they need it.
Spoke to a guy this week that wasn't sure how to spell his daughters name.

I did a POS PHI with a lady yesterday. I had a few pages of the app in front of her so she could see her Medicare claim # and Dr. info. When the interviewer asked her her birthday, she looked at the front of the app and read it off of there.:laugh:
Hell, we're lucky if our prospects can even spell THEIR name!

Had a guy taking shots of Jim Beam in the sales call. Made me think of JD.

Met with a guy, same thing, was 10 a.m. and he was already drinking, believe it was a screwdriver. Couldn't afford a policy as it would cut into the only things he still enjoyed in life: drinking and smoking.