Overcoming rejections or objections

You might want to follow better. I was agreeing with you and Volagent.
The question that needs to be asked is whether an annuity was the most suitable product for the individual...or simply being sold because it's available and Mike isn't securities licensed.
The question that needs to be asked is whether an annuity was the most suitable product for the individual...or simply being sold because it's available and Mike isn't securities licensed.

If you read the article, you wouldn't have to ask the question.

Volner tells me about his client relationships. "Not every client is right," he says. He tells every last prospect he meets: "I may not be right for you." It saves both of them time. It allows Volner to be who he is. "I'm not a jack-ofall-trades. I'm a specialist."

Financial cornerstone

For Volner the specialty is annuities, in particular, fixed indexed annuities. He turns a lot of business away because the fit isn't right for either party. But enough business is getting done, and then some. For the fourth straight year Volner will top $20 million in production. One year he even hit $25 million. And that's all him. No junior agents or down lines.

"I'm real," Volner explains in talking about his success. "I don't tell people what they want to hear. And, I don't tell different people different things." Maybe he sounds like a broken record but that's OK. There's no worry of waffling on the message with Volner. He sticks to a single note: the safety of annuities.

"I had a guy show up at a recent seminar and tell me he'd been to one of my events three years ago. He said, 'You haven't changed a thing. You keep saying the same thing.' "
The question that needs to be asked is whether an annuity was the most suitable product for the individual...or simply being sold because it's available and Mike isn't securities licensed.

My comment had nothing to do with an annuity. My comment was about a guy giving advice that the OP asked for when the person giving advice doesn't sell. And has never been a producer.

It always bothers me when those types give advice to those that are working to be producers.