Oxford Life Feedback, Reviews ?

Re: Oxford Life

15% off Att, I'm diggin that........

what does the SPWL comission come out as with the 120% contract?
Re: Oxford Life

That must really hurt the IMO that promote them.

They have been advertising a 120% direct contract in all the trade magazines (Ins. Selling, Senior Adviser, etc.) for several months.. If you had downline with them, it would be only a matter of time before they saw one of the ads.
I write them but am not hot on them.

If your client takes lots of meds, they will grill them to death.

They have a height and weight chart, but don't disclose the upper-bounds for your heavier clients.

Nothing like telling your client she's too fat for coverage.

They are competitively-priced but they're only a B-rated company, which is somewhat concerning.
It's about $110 a share with only about 20 mill shares outstanding. Good business they have there.....and financials/metrics look good.
3 businesses there: Uhaul--Moving and Storage, Insurance (Oxford, RepWest) and a Real Estate component.
Not recommending it here.....but I've watched it for a while now. Insiders own a large % of the company. I wonder why they don't offer a dividend?