Passed Exam

Thank you so much for all the support and feedback that really means a lot to a new agent. I have narrowed my search down to three and I hope to make a decision by the end of this week.:laugh:

I read your inspiring thread and I am curious as to who you went with? You need to update us with hopefully positive news!:)
Congrats! Welcome to the club. This forum is a vast resource for your career quest. Invest some time in researching your options, then, go get 'em, tiger!
I've been talking to New York Life through the whole process , but I received emails from Farmers, Mutual Omaha and Thrivent Lutheran. I took the Ohio State Exam.

I'm really thinking about joining HCO and IHIAA.

Congrats...Who ever you choose, make sure they do not charge you to join, go Indy, get a release in writing and that they have a superior CPS and Clear Daily Work is the secret to earning $100k+

Good luck