Passing the Property and Casualty Exam

Have you attended any study classes? In other words have you paid to attend a licensing class?

Insurance exams are usually multiple choice questions where at least 2 of the 4 answers are clearly wrong. The right answer is usually found in slowly reading the question and not overthinking the answer. The test is basic and if you slow down and read the questions it becomes easier.
For P&C, I find that Kaplan is the best training, largely in part to their QBank testing program. You pay more for Kaplan than Testeachers, but it is worth it. With Kaplan, you get the entire Kaplan licensing book in PDF for no extra charge, which, IMHO is a great resource.
Hi Insurogal,
Congrats for your determination! Might the key be in focusing test taking rather than insurance content?

One of my students had previously failed the TX L&H exam 13 times with a variety of providers. Another failed the TX P&C exam 8 times. We got them both through the first time.

I l taught classroom courses, then online licensing, for many years and had over 15,000 students with consistent pass ratios in the 85 - 90% range. I am now a life and health broker and no longer teaching licensing.

If interested, I am happy to donate an hour of time of to help you ace the exam. If successful, I only ask that you in turn help another person some day with a few simple tips which I am happy to share . Text "AskJack" at 512/695.4918 and we can set up a time. BTW - I have never taught OR pre-licensing, so no guarantees.


Hi Insurogal,
I see you have successfully passed the exam. Congratulations!
Kudos to Insurogal for persistance, a great trait for any agent.

For benefit of any now struggling with the P&C or L&H exams, let me reinforce Kando and Xrac advice being so on-target }

The key with the 1000's I trained was taking the practice exams (with a school having strong track record, of course) until reaching at least 90% pass rate. Almost all who took 3-4 practice runs, got to the 90% + pass rate and nailed the state exam on 1st time.

Agree with LGilmore who had a great tip to ID and eliminate the 1-2 questions that can often be seen as pretty clearly wrong.

Last, though it seems obvious, many overlook that Q's left unanswered are marked wrong so for time efficiency, take note on scratch pad of Q's you're unsure of and save until done answering the easy ones. Have a great career! This business can make a great life for your family.
I was once offered a job with Hilliard Lyons to be a broker. They told me they gave people one chance and one chance only to pass the 7 & 66 (or is it 65 I forget which).
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