all the article proves is that MAPD is not 60% of the market.All right.
I will speak for myself as a non-agent forum member.
I think the graph you posted says the new MAPD business written by lots of agents each year exceeds 50% of their new and renewal business written that year by some number noticeably over 1%.
I am not a math expert, so maybe you have math that proves otherwise.
The question at hand is why the views on PDP (servicing the PDP specifically) has changed.
The reason, is because of inflation. IF PDP commissions go to Zero across the board, (which is unlikely), many agents wont be able to afford to service the clients for free.
This was not true several years ago.
Why? Because of inflation. The cost of running a business, and living has gone up. #BidenFlation
as @Midlevel mentioned in post #22 "Remember insurance agents work 100% on commission. We don't have a salary and a chance to make extra money if we sell something. It is our livelihood and believe it or not we do have expenses like rent, office supplies, gas, some have assistants, etc."
The market share of MAPD doesn't change that. The discussion of that is just a red herring.
The cost of running a business and the cost of living is what changed.
If agents lose the commissions from PDP, they will have to put their efforts elsewhere to create more income. Such as, acquiring new customers.
Many agents, only sell the OM side of the business, so switching to MAPD is not an option. Those agents will have to sacrifice service to PDP and focus on acquiring new medsupp business, or be forced to lose income, or be forced to add a line of business to compensate for the loss, ie: MAPD, LI, DVH etc..