I think we are, putting way too much stock into these test, that are simply used a "weeding" out process. Heck, I know several brokers,agencies that use very similiar test before they are willing to take on agents.
I agree that all compaines will have some bad apples in every office, one agent may score very highly and do some "unethical" practices that yield them very high sales. Some other agents may score very high as well but, may never pertake in the "unethical" practices.
When working for a large "mutual" company this is just a necessary evil in the hiring process, give them what they desire and simply move on and run YOUR business the way you so desire. We will all be judged in the end, so take it for what is is worth. Peace!
I agree that all compaines will have some bad apples in every office, one agent may score very highly and do some "unethical" practices that yield them very high sales. Some other agents may score very high as well but, may never pertake in the "unethical" practices.
When working for a large "mutual" company this is just a necessary evil in the hiring process, give them what they desire and simply move on and run YOUR business the way you so desire. We will all be judged in the end, so take it for what is is worth. Peace!