Please Masa Please Masa Please Release Me

Just going to leave this here.

How can grown ass business owners be in a position of asking others for permission to work?!?


It's un-American I tell ya' ... at least it has been since 1865 or so, though vestiges of feudalism and slavery remain today, to be sure. I find it quite chilling how sanguine so many folks are about this today. Authoritarianism, despotism, exploitation in all forms remain phenomena of human existence against which we must remain ever vigilant.

The structure of the insurance business is but one small example of how easily folks will accept a type of bondage. But let's face it: It is admittedly a difficult task balancing the rights of the agent and the rights of the agency. Advanced commission debt is the real problem. With electronic accounting it is simple enough for a company to track pay-throughs and renewals to protect an agent's former agency. It it the exposure to someone else's debt that really gums up the works.

It makes me wonder if a system like Liberty Banker's Life where carriers withold 10% of the commission from the advance to pay for future chargebacks wouldn't be a good industry wide practice - especially among the final expense carriers. It would certainly make it harder for an IMO to refuse to release if the carrier had escrowed several thousand dollars to pay for any chargebacks that occur during the six to 12 months following an agent's release.
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vestiges of feudalism and slavery remain today, to be sure. I find it quite chilling how sanguine so many folks are about this today. Authoritarianism, despotism, exploitation in all forms remain phenomena of human existence against which we must remain ever vigilant.

I really hate it when folks like you post words that require a trip to to understand what you are saying. Is this the way you talk to prospective clients?

If I liked fruity drinks I would have ordered a sanguine after reading your post.

A friend in the business is very cerebral. I think he delights in using words from Readers Digest, Increase Your Word Power just to confuse others. He sprinkles his blogposts with a mixture of acronyms (many are probably made up), made up words like "bleg" and Hebrew. And he laughs at jokes and cartoons that I doubt anyone else understands.

Carry on. Smoke them if you have them.
I really hate it when folks like you post words that require a trip to to understand what you are saying. Is this the way you talk to prospective clients?

I came this close to finishing a Ph.D. in political philosophy (ABD - all but dissertation). When I write, I tend to revert back to my grad school days. When I speak to FE clientele, I tend to revert back to my grandma's trailer park days.

I assure you that when I select the words I write the aim is always pellucidity and I am in no way attempting to confound through circumlocution (though I am occassionally guilty of trying baffle through b***s***).
I really hate it when folks like you post words that require a trip to to understand what you are saying. Is this the way you talk to prospective clients?

If I liked fruity drinks I would have ordered a sanguine after reading your post.

A friend in the business is very cerebral. I think he delights in using words from Readers Digest, Increase Your Word Power just to confuse others. He sprinkles his blogposts with a mixture of acronyms (many are probably made up), made up words like "bleg" and Hebrew. And he laughs at jokes and cartoons that I doubt anyone else understands.

Carry on. Smoke them if you have them.
Hey, man! Don't be dissin' folks just cuz they knows lotsa words n stuff. Heckfire, I wish I knowed as many good words n stuff as @DayTimer. Then I'd be downright loquacious!
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I came this close to finishing a Ph.D. in political philosophy (ABD - all but dissertation). When I write, I tend to revert back to my grad school days. When I speak to FE clientele, I tend to revert back to my grandma's trailer park days.

I assure you that when I select the words I write the aim is always pellucidity and I am in no way attempting to confound through circumlocution (though I am occassionally guilty of trying baffle through b***s***).

I came this close to finishing High School.....Doesn't matter where you come from. God Bless America!