Political Humor

12 people die in Florida. 12 people die in California. How many people died in each state? The Lancet study would apply a handicap towards each state based on pre-existing variables in order to measure state performance against each other. It is an averaging system not an actual count. Use your brain cells.

Yes, because that's how you determine which policies contributed to what. If all variables tell you that 12 people in state 1 would die if you did nothing and 40 would die in state 2, then after safety measures only 10 die in state 1 and only 20 die in state 2, state 2 did BETTER.

I understood things more complex than this in 2nd grade.
Yes, because that's how you determine which policies contributed to what. If all variables tell you that 12 people in state 1 would die if you did nothing and 40 would die in state 2, then after safety measures only 10 die in state 1 and only 20 die in state 2, state 2 did BETTER.

I understood things more complex than this in 2nd grade.
The way it works is, if it's known that a certain demographic is more prone to covid death, and one state has more of that demographic than another state, it would be unfair to measure policy effectiveness because that state is disadvantaged. Therefore the true actual death count is reduced (artificially) before making that comparison. It DOES NOT mean the actual death counts were lower or higher in any one state. Its a manipulation of the actual count for statistical comparison only. You can't even understand the report you posted. lol. Hilarious!!!!!
The way it works is, if it's known that a certain demographic is more prone to covid death, and one state has more of that demographic than another state, it would be unfair to measure policy effectiveness because that state is disadvantaged. Therefore the true actual death count is reduced (artificially) before making that comparison. It DOES NOT mean the actual death counts were lower or higher in any one state. Its a manipulation of the actual count for statistical comparison only. You can't even understand the report you posted. lol. Hilarious!!!!!

So you're finally repeating back what I've been saying, and you want to pretend I'm the one who doesn't understand it?

What happened to "only total population/deaths matter!"

I'm muting you again. I can't handle the lying/dumb combo. I'm holding out help for humanity and you're not helping.

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