Post-Corona, Preparing for Normalcy

Keep in mind the death rate will not correlate with the infection rate there is a delay

The infection rate % does seem to have slowed

The Death rate should be expected to rise for the next 2 weeks If the infection rate has in fact slowed

Maybe (the infection rate) will slow, is slowing. Hard to say anything with accuracy

Minimal testing for COVID early on
No testing of those who are asymptomatic
False negatives
Many deaths in nursing homes where there never was a diagnosis
Deaths with underlying health conditions never listing COVID as COD

As more tests, reliable tests and faster results are available/used I would expect the number of diagnosed new cases to rise, not fall or level off

Also expect the mortality rate to drop due to early diagnosis and treatment, more effective treatment

So everything is really a crap shoot.

In the meanwhile it seems almost everyone has an opinion.

You just read mine.
Obesity is the most common underlying condition for the ones dying. Doesn't help that this country has become a bunch of fat ***s wobbling around. Cigarette taxes? We need a fat (not flat) tax, but it would never fly as everyone is so ***ing fat!
Obesity is the most common underlying condition for the ones dying. Doesn't help that this country has become a bunch of fat ***s wobbling around. Cigarette taxes? We need a fat (not flat) tax, but it would never fly as everyone is so ***ing fat!

Tax doesn't fix anything its just legal extortion

Maybe the Govt could spread some truth for once, Instead of the current nutritional guidelines Maybe give access to Info like discussed on the bacon thread, Its changed My life
Obesity is the most common underlying condition for the ones dying. Doesn't help that this country has become a bunch of fat ***s wobbling around. Cigarette taxes? We need a fat (not flat) tax, but it would never fly as everyone is so ***ing fat!

According to an article posted on the TIME's website all the way back in 2014 - "Obesity in the U.S. is an epidemic, and about one third of U.S. adults qualify as obese". So I definitely agree with you in regards to your first point.

However, many would argue that a big part of the reason we're so obese as a country and all around the world for that matter, is due to all of the chemicals, additives, and highly addictive substances (e.g. sugar) that have been added, and unfortunately, are still being added to the nation's food supply.

If this is true, I don't know if a "fat tax", would do much good in bringing down the obesity rate.
The reopening is an asshole move right now. People should be held liable for that shit. My wife is a registered nurse and she has not been tested. God damn idiotic.

Your wife will also tell you the diabetes and obesity are two of the leading causes of death in this country. Especially realted to Coronavirus. Go ahead and swing by the grocery store and let me know if you can find a breakfast cereal without added sugar. I can't. Profits always come before people, and always will.
Was on the phone with a rep from AIG...

We discussed the current issues for a bit, gave some of my numbers I've been researching and got the standard response of "really?" half belief/ half confusion.

Then I slipped into my encouragement mode to help brighten her day... she was nice to talk too.

Took along a creek the other day and listened to the water, watched the clouds and observed the birds tending to nest building... helped me deal with the frustration and down right depression that I have had to fight off since I've been more or less confined to my home office.

Nature has a very unique way of helping one put into perspective life in general. While our world has seemed to come to a complete stop, someone forgot to tell nature to "shelter in place"... and I for one am so glad it answers to a higher authority.

So amidst all this uproar, I will be going out to mow my lawn and smell the wonderful smell of fresh cut grass...
Keep in mind the death rate will not correlate with the infection rate there is a delay

Yes - it typically takes 1 to 3 days between confirmed diagnosis and death.

CDC today said that while we may be under counting cases (which some use to suggest that the disease is not as lethal as advertised) that the number of deaths from Corona virus and almost certainly under reported as it does not include the many folks who died but were not hospitalized. Many have sought treatment only to be sent home because they were not deigned "sick enough" to die shortly after returning home. Most of these are not yet counted among the corona virus dead.

I just saw @somarco's post and this is related what he said.
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