Post-Corona, Preparing for Normalcy

This video provided by a doctor as she starts her shift at a hospital in NYC argues against normalcy returning without a vaccine perhaps.

Every bed in the ER is taken and every person has been intubated.

Every bed in ICU has been taken and every person is on a ventilator.

80% death rate of Corona virus victims who end up o the ventilator.

Shocking to watch.

If the link doesn't show it is from and you can find it by googling:

What life is like for a doctor at Mount Sinai Hospital
Almost . . .

Most folks don't understand how corporations are taxed. Nor do they understand they are just a middleman for collecting and remitting taxes. Payroll taxes, WH takes, sales tax, excise tax, property tax . . . etc.

The profit of a corporation is taxed to the corporation when earned, and then is taxed to the shareholders when distributed as dividends. This creates a double tax.
I found Neal Boortz, 750 WSB, Atlanta Georgia very enlightening when I lived in that area.

I liked his assessment of The Fair Tax. It was created by non-partisan eggheads with expertise in public policy, economics and all pertinent fields to be the most effective and equitable tax system imaginable. I'm guessing it's got no traction because of the swampy swamp.

It's unclear how the new normal will pan out. I'm hoping for the best. But, if no crisis should go to waste, what an opportunity for fundamental reforms! Maybe, The President should work with Rand Paul and revive The Fair Tax? I wonder what rate would be needed to eliminate the deficit and start paying down the debt?

What other reforms should MAGA Man parlay from a new normal? Some out of the box thinking could put him on Mt Rushmore.

1. Make them chillen go to school year round. I want to see more giddyup as they get on and off the bus too.
2. Reduce carbon emissions and costs by reducing mail delivery to every stinking address from 6 days/week to 1 day a week. Neighborhood A on Mondays, B on Tuesdays, and so on. You need mail more often? Pay a premium or pick it up.
3. Reestablish the indentured servant program. Summer's coming and I need a nice girl to feed me clusters of grapes and fan me with the big leaf.

Speaking of Rand Paul, I once wrote him to suggest he set up a Kentucky mail order bride program what like Russia has. (Kentucky woman she shines with her own kind of light.) My thinking was that a barefoot Appalachia girl would rather marry me than sit on the porch and snap beans drinking Mt. Dew all day. I never heard back from the Senator's office.
I found Neal Boortz, 750 WSB, Atlanta Georgia very enlightening when I lived in that area.

I liked his assessment of The Fair Tax. It was created by non-partisan eggheads with expertise in public policy, economics and all pertinent fields to be the most effective and equitable tax system imaginable. I'm guessing it's got no traction because of the swampy swamp.

It's unclear how the new normal will pan out. I'm hoping for the best. But, if no crisis should go to waste, what an opportunity for fundamental reforms! Maybe, The President should work with Rand Paul and revive The Fair Tax? I wonder what rate would be needed to eliminate the deficit and start paying down the debt?

What other reforms should MAGA Man parlay from a new normal? Some out of the box thinking could put him on Mt Rushmore.

1. Make them chillen go to school year round. I want to see more giddyup as they get on and off the bus too.
2. Reduce carbon emissions and costs by reducing mail delivery to every stinking address from 6 days/week to 1 day a week. Neighborhood A on Mondays, B on Tuesdays, and so on. You need mail more often? Pay a premium or pick it up.
3. Reestablish the indentured servant program. Summer's coming and I need a nice girl to feed me clusters of grapes and fan me with the big leaf.

Speaking of Rand Paul, I once wrote him to suggest he set up a Kentucky mail order bride program what like Russia has. (Kentucky woman she shines with her own kind of light.) My thinking was that a barefoot Appalachia girl would rather marry me than sit on the porch and snap beans drinking Mt. Dew all day. I never heard back from the Senator's office.

That last margarita started messin' with ya at about point #3, didn't it?:D