Post-Corona, Preparing for Normalcy

This is just the result of years of racism and it is really evident in places like Chicago. Poor neighborhoods terrible healthcare more people die. The rich are just focused on taking more at the expense of the poor and middle class. The working class gets conned into thinking they have the opportunity to someday get ahead if they just work harder while the wealthy are laughing at their asses and raping the country.

And if you don't know anyone that works for a living or earns a commission or has a small business is not the rich I am speaking of because these groups just keep getting smaller. They cut your commissions, try to get you to work for the lowest possible wages while they rape the treasury of the dollars you have contributed.

It only makes sense that poor people with crappy healthcare will suffer more.

Is Covid-19 racist? Hmmm.

What about the Asians, or the quiet minority, as I like to call them? Could perhaps their diets (often rich in fish and vegetables and grains) and body weight (often lower) factor in more than their actual race? Could different behavior among races have as much or more to do with the results as the fact that Covid-19 is a racist? Could accepting perhaps the possibility that different races behave and eat, and diet, and excercise, etc. etc. differently be one possible explanation than all out racism?

My mother is from France. Guess what? She likes to drink wine, complain, eat bread and chocolate.

My father is about 90% Irish and had red hair as a child. Guess what? He likes hard alcohol and tans about as well as a fork in the microwave. Guess what else? Like many red heads, he is left handed.

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But that's the kind of people it takes to try and herd cats. :wacko:

Well, Trump refused the test and Mitch stuck the brain probe up his a$$. Don't get to thinking that only Dems test negative for brains, though.

There are a handful of true free thinkers on both sides of the aisle, while the rest gather uncomfortably in a crowded cuckoo's nest.
Correct, the right to vote is protected under constitution.
Don't worry, there are a bunch of ballot casters that are just as PO'ed as he is, and if they have to drive through vote... they will. :yes:... and it won't be for Uncle Joe or Aunt Nancy.
I hope it will not be like this one, literally drive through :realmad:

Well, Trump refused the test and Mitch stuck the brain probe up his a$$. Don't get to thinking that only Dems test negative for brains, though.

There are a handful of true free thinkers on both sides of the aisle, while the rest gather uncomfortably in a crowded cuckoo's nest.
We REALLY need term limits, but I can't see the politicians voting themselves off of the gravy train. :no: