Post Your Daily/Weekly Numbers

Glad to hear you've gotten some useful information and encouragement!

In regards to the UL Replacement that wouldn't make a decision.. Both of my sales on Tuesday were people that told me "let me think about it" and wouldn't make a decision the day before. You can typically tell when someone's just saying that to blow you off or they really are considering it. Anyway I set an appointment with both of them after they told me to let me think about it and closed both of them. That doesn't happen all the time but it DOES happen. I know this business is a "one stop close" typically but there's an exception to every rule.

Good luck to you!


Finished for the week..

Daily/weekly totals

Monday: 3 sales for $2,040 AP

Tuesday : 2 sales for $2,233 AP

Wednesday : got some new leads in.. Set 6 appointments (5 of them husband and wife!)

First appointment: $2,244 husband and wife sales!

Second appointment: no show..

Third appointment : 2 small rna sales on husband and wife for a total of $672 AP

Forth appointment : no show...

Fifth appointment: $1,670 AP husband and wife replacement sales! She had two policies and I was able to get her more coverage for less money a month. He had colonial pen and was in a 2 year wait. Got him immediate coverage and $3,000 more coverage for the same price!

Wednesday totals: 6 sales out of 6 face to faces for $4,584 AP

Weekly total : $8,857 AP on 11 apps

A great way to maximize your time and to hit bigger numbers is to stay focused on what the task at hand is.
In other words, when I'm out in the field.. I am focused on one thing and that's writing business! I save all the extra stuff for a designated office day. Returning client calls, catching up on the forum, paperwork etc. I've tried to have days where I've tried to focus on too many things at once while I'm out in the field and found I didn't do any of them successfully. Have focused concentrated time when you're in the field. Have focused and concentrated time when you're in the office taking care of office work. It is true that every detail of our business has its place and time. Don't lack in the area of calling lapsing policies! Set up a designated office day to take care of that don't try and do it while you're out in the field. There might be people that do both successfully but I am way too ADD to try and focus on more than one thing at a time. This has worked for me, hopefully it helps someone else too.

Hope you're all having a good week.

Nice week.................
Trying to hit my 5k mark for the week.

Been difficult setting appoints. Tuesday was a big NS day.

But I'm slowly adding sales. At least one sale /day. Door knocking today added another $900 AP. will be pounding doors again after my 5pm appoint. It's a beautiful day for DK'g!!!

$2900 AP so far for week.
So I haven't ran F2F in about 5 or so years, I am that mysterious telesales guy, but... I am testing a new lead script and i wanted to get a realistic gauge on "steve" leads and closing ratio's and so forth.

I received my leads on Thursday and my appt setter called them on Friday and set the appts for Saturday.

7 appts scheduled every hour on the hour.

First appt sold - 420 AP
Second appt sold - 384 AP
3rd appt no sale couldn't afford
4th appt no sale couldn't afford
5th appt son was there not the "insured" and no sale but they want it. (ya right)
6th appt - no show
7th appt - no show

Then I ran appts yesterday.

11 appts shceduled

1 - Sold 480 ap
2 - Doesn't care about burial or anything, no sale
3 - No show
4 - Has burial paid for thru funeral home, no sale
5 - Sold 540 ap, Modified plan
6 - No show
7 - No show
8 - Sold had term plan that expires at age 80 - 2148 ap and Sold daughter 792 ap
9 - I missed because of above appt
10 - I missed tried to re schedule but said no can't afford chit
11 - rescheduled for Friday.

I worked Stockton and Modesto back and forth and I live 1.5 hours away from Stockton, Modesto is about 30 to 40 min away from Stockton.

First appt was at 8 am and last was at 6 pm in Modesto, drive home 2.5 hours (love traffic)

Tomorrow we are trying to get another 11 appts but I am not sure if I can get em, I didn't think thru the lead flow properly, so i will probably only get 6, I will keep this updated.

I do not use the TW or similiar presentation, I just talk and ask what they want, quote and close.
Finally got my leads coming in from 360, and I'm back in gear!

15 leads.
10 appts. 8 appts Wednesday and 2 Thursday.
2 no shows and 1 cancelled but wants to switch his Medicare plan this AEP.
5 apps
3k AP

Too bad all my appts sold were single/widowed!

Hope to do this consistently! A day and a half in the field working isn't bad for 3k ap. Plus I still have my door knocks to do Friday morning for those we couldn't get ahold of or said not interested over the phone :)

Wish me luck,,,feels good to be back on track.

Plus I still have my door knocks to do Friday morning for those we couldn't get ahold of or said not interested over the phone :)


Very nice amber.
Curious...What do you say when DK'g those who said not interested on the phone? I've been ignoring mine.
Very nice amber. Curious...What do you say when DK'g those who said not interested on the phone? I've been ignoring mine.

I say nothing different than if they hadn't said NI. I use an appt setter so that may make difference though. Although if I was the one calling I still would probably do the same thing, except I may wait till the next week to knock them so they'd have a week to forget I even called them lol.
Don't ignore yours! When you called them and they were NI,,,they may have been having a bad day,,,so if you go DK them you may catch them on a good day and make the sale :)



Very nice amber. Curious...What do you say when DK'g those who said not interested on the phone? I've been ignoring mine.

AgentGuy and I use the same appt setter,,,and I know he's knocked a lead that the setter had just spoke to that day and was NI over the phone but when AgentGuy got there he got in the house and sold her!

I say nothing different than if they hadn't said NI. I use an appt setter so that may make difference though. Although if I was the one calling I still would probably do the same thing, except I may wait till the next week to knock them so they'd have a week to forget I even called them lol.
Don't ignore yours! When you called them and they were NI,,,they may have been having a bad day,,,so if you go DK them you may catch them on a good day and make the sale :)



AgentGuy and I use the same appt setter,,,and I know he's knocked a lead that the setter had just spoke to that day and was NI over the phone but when AgentGuy got there he got in the house and sold her!


Are you DKing DM cards or TM leads?