Postage going up 5.8% in July again . 11% since Jan

No need to worry . . . AI will replace agents before too long
New guy in my office.....wondering if my job is safe...???
Means fixed cost will be in the $50 area in some places . Roi's will be threatened for some . 20 leads a week is $1000 a week . Throw in 20% chargebacks doing $3500 a week . After gas and maintenance. Got to pay your own health ins and retirement. Honestly 75% of people would be better off working a $50k job with benefits . If your not cranking $250k a yr fe premium you ain't making squat . That's why most high level fe guys get in recruiting. Take the cream off the gross commission making the exp's the agent incurs irrelevant to your bottom line

Where are you seeing this increase? I can't find any info on an increase after the one in January this year.
Where are you seeing this increase? I can't find any info on an increase after the one in January this year.

I don't know about the postage rate increase, but I bought t-shirts yesterday and they've even taken a jump. At this rate I may have to go out in the field naked. :laugh:

Wonder how will that effect my sales?? :err: