Pre-Paid Legal

Many banks and credit card companies have identity theft protection services.

Wait a sec, that is misleading. If I can prove a charge on my card was unauthorized I can get the charge waived.

But what happens if someone opens a credit card in my name without my knowledge? Or what if they open up a number of cards without my knowledge? The process is a lot more complicated.
Interesting that all the MLM nay-sayers seem so negative on this post. Consider Corporate America... the ultimate pyramid scheme if there ever was one.

Of all the places where you would think the entrepenurial spirit would be most evident would be among self-employed yahoos' like "us"... but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Wow... that was a depressing post....... I'm gonna go sell some whole life and a few dental plans to somebody and cheer my self up!
what stopped me from selling ppl was the recruiting presentation, which looked like one of those late night infomertials that you see on tv promising the world....gimmiky
what stopped me from selling ppl was the recruiting presentation, which looked like one of those late night infomertials that you see on tv promising the world....gimmiky

That's one of the problems with network marketing. The image that it is a get rich quick kind of scheme needs to stop. I'm reading Wave 4 by Poe (not Edgar Allen but I can't remember his first name) and one of the essays talks about this issue. Instead of telling everyone how rich they can get doing it, they need to be told the truth about the hardwork needed.
I sold a $250k 20-year-term policy to a young woman who tried to recruit me into PPL in the Summer of last year. She is doing so well with PPL that her $27/month premium has already lapsed.
PPL....what a sham!
You pay $250.00 for their "training" and to sign up to be a rep.
You MUST buy their Identiry Rheft Shield AND PPL plan for $25.00 a month (which your recruiter gets as a commission).
You HAVE to pay one of their "Senior Reps" for training to sell the more lucrative mass-sell company programs (don't remember the exact terms, but the $$$ adds up FAST. and NOT in your favor!).
Try to cancel your billing? Hell, you have to FAX them a REQUEST to cancel....which only gets you a phone call from your up-stream to try and change your mind. And THEN it'll take 60 days.

I ended up changing my credit card number to make them go away. They tried to call a few times, but the caller ID popping up on the TV screen was all I needed to see.

My work here is done.

Don't listen to player haters. People at PPL are some of the best people you will ever work with. It is not for everyone,but when a client gets a response from a PPL letter it will warm your heart knowing your client got the best legal advice for $25 a month.

My response to all these guys peddling PPL as the best thing out there is to come back to me after you've been in the business for 5 years and you are driving a better car than me. They never make it five years and they can't sell the stuff, which tells me all I want to know. There are always exceptions, but most of them are sales crooks.

When I need legal advice, I pay my real attorney up the road from me.

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