Public Health Care Option

They won't sign up for free either - just ask Mass. I can't tell you how many clients I've referred to MCHIP for their kids after I found out their kids qualify for 100% free health care. Of course, they're just heading out the door so call back later.

Those who go to the site with me are thrilled " my daughter can get a free plan!" The excitement goes away when the mom realizes she has to fill out the app, comply with some basic verification and mail it in.

So, what Americans really want is FREE health care but also, they don't want to have to like, fill out anything. Just send them a card in the mail.

That was too funny!:laugh:
I think Jesus said it best,"the poor will always be among you."
Lol - public health care option as any kind of solution?

FACT: If it costs a dime we have what...45 million uninsured? Likely if this passes it'll be GI and unless you're "poor" you'll be paying at least a portion of the premium.

So out of these 45 million uninsured how many would pay ANYTHING for health insurance? about 2 million. Bet me.
... because you have such a low opinion of a huge number of the American public...

Maybe it's because of the morons and nitwits they keep electing to public office?

And those are the ones who actually vote...

What's that famous quote by H.L. Mencken? "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."
This is just neo-con propaganda. Just like all of the un-insureds "Are all too fat, they all smoke, and they all drink too much, they are all on drugs, and they are all immigrants."

It's funny how the vast majority of "these people" fill out their tax forms each year. The vast majority go and get driver licenses. They fill out forms to rent homes and apartments. Most of them probably have auto insurance on their car... and they fill out the form each year to renew their state registration. Most have jobs where they have to fill out an application and or a time card.

Are there are certain number of people who won't get free or low-cost insurance. Of course. Are there insurance agents who won't get life or LTC or DI insurance? You bet.

I have yet to understand how so many of you neo-con agents make a living... because you have such a low opinion of a huge number of the American public... and because while all you mouth the words that "I do this to help people" the truth of the matter is that it's all about the money for most of you on this venue... and if I can see through this by just reading your postings from behind a cloak, I can only imagine your clients "get it" when then talk with you or meet you face to face.

The ONLY way John and the rest of you will support health reform is if YOU get a piece of the action. It's not about state's rights, or higher taxes, or budget deficits that all you neo-cons rant and rave about... it is the fear of your own loss of income.

You and NAHU and AHIP are today what the AMA was back when Medicare was being debated (I was in high school... and remember it well.) Yet the irony was that Mediare became a cash-cow to doctors and hospitals for.

How come you greed-mongers are not advocating the abolition on Medicare? I don't seen any of you posting here that we should dump Medicare. And how many of you have met people who refused or "forgot" or just didn't want to do the paperwork for social security and Medicare? Any of you?

Sorry guys. John's post is just another expression of the widely held neo-con xenophobia, homophobia, coupled with greed and avarice. It's what neo-cons do best. FUD: fear, uncertainty, doubt. Nothing new here.

InsuranceSolutions123 Agency: Honesty and Integrity
"There are worse things in life than death. Have you ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman?"*-*Woody Allen

Al, please read the FACTS about how Mass. had to literally CHASE DOWN the people in their state who qualified for free health care but didn't sign up. Not the blogs or articles but right or left slanted reports, but the raw stats.

Give me some credit - since 2003 have been showing clients who qualify the FREE MCHIP plans for their kids with LITTLE interest.

Obama will work his ass to the bone to finally put together a solid health care option. Then he'll have a meeting a few months later going "WTF??? Why aren't people signing up for it!"

Because THE TRUTH Al is MOST people without health care don't believe in it. It is only the FEW who are very sick who whine about it and will sign up for a plan.

If you really think people without coverage want coverage, even if it's GI and affordable fly on down here and let's do some BtoB for a day as I tell people about MHIP. Then you can watch the blank stare on their face as they proceed to not give a flying ****.

And who am I talking to anyway? Al, you're an insurance agent. So tell me, how's it generally work out for you when you can:

A: Save people a fair amount of money
B: Offer people an affordable plan who don't have coverage

Let me tell you how it goes: 98% total and utter disinterest.
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You guys will be led by Winter and Moonlight, you will huddle together in this venue and take comfort that"Nah, it won't happen"

You know Al, I can't speak for Winter, and I've pointed this out to you before, but maybe it'll take a few more reps...

My philosophy is that all criticism is fair - as long as it's accurate. Accuracy doesn't seem too important to you though.

I have been saying (on the Forum) and planning for change for close to a year now.

My challenge to you Al is this; please produce ONE POST where I claim "nah, it won't happen".

If not, I'm sure we can expect a man to whom "honesty and integrity" is so important to issue a correction.
You are right in that you probably have not used those exact words, but correct me if I'm wrong in my assessment that you adamantly oppose any kind of public insurance program with or without private carrier participation.

You guys are great at saying what you are against, but to my knowledge only Winter has stepped up and said what he is for (but I forget what it was :laugh: )

I do strongly oppose a public program. While the current scenario is certainly untenable, the government has proven to me over many years that what it's good at is waste and mismanagement. Has the government ever been known for efficiency in anything? Is that the way to "bring down costs"?

I have posted in the past that after much study, I believe the Dutch health care/insurance system is the one that makes the most sense.

Coverage is mandated, not employer-based, and portable. While I'm not generally one to believe the goverment should mandate much, I believe if people can show up at the emergency room and get treatment, they should have the means to pay for it.

It's a two tier system; tier one is a GI base package of benefits provided by an insurer.

Tier two is more "supplemental". You can pay for more if you want it - but it's not done on a GI basis.

This system keeps the healthy competition of private enterprise in their system. There is no "public plan". Premiums are generally collected through payroll deduction, with vouchers to help those in need.

The Dutch enjoy a high level of care, and currently spend 11% of GDP on healthcare, versus 16-17% for the USA.

You would never see anything like that here, it makes way too much sense.

Unfortunately, the blithering idiots we keep returning to Congress (our own fault) aren't smart enough to implement a good idea that they can't take political credit for.

I think it's because the majority of 'em are lawyers.