Public Health Care Option

Maybe Rush Limbaugh...or Sarah Palin...or some other laughingstock?

The Republicans need to find a way to get in touch. They have become irrelevant, and are threatened with being extinct if they don't find somebody that excites the electorate (not just the religious nut-case right).

Bobby Jindal ain't it.

The process that has already begun is that many of the democrats will need to become so conservative, or at least back off from the socialism, to save their seats that the shift to the right will occur without a Republican leader and without regard to what the next presidential campaign will or will not look like. Republicans are on the wane and in disarray but the voters will make mince meat out of some of the dems if they try to align themselves with some of what is going on now. It may mean that they get beaten by a more fiscally responsible dem in the primary or that the voters beat them into a more conservative less-spendulus view. Either way, I dont believe in the Al view of the world, which is Obama was elected, the dems control congress and the train is just going to keep rolling because there is no Republican presidential candidate to stop them. That is not the only factor at play.

Of course this does play in Mitts favor. And yes he is a Mormon and yes he is dull. However, we have a president now of Muslim heritage so voters can deal with some religious untidiness if need be. Palin is like Huckabee. She can roll around the country and keep the conservative base entertained and remind them of a few things but she is not presidential material. Doesnt mean she couldnt have been VP. Biden is not presidential material either and drew no votes whatsoever in the primaries he was in. 1% or less maybe. Difference is, the Republicans had no charisma on their ticket other than Palin so she was carrying that burden whereas Biden wasnt really needed. All he needed to do was to stand there and look like he had foreign affairs experience and keep his mouth shut, none of which he was able to do.

As stated ad nauseum, we will not find out who Barry is and how popular he is until he runs out of money and is no longer able to promise people free stuff. That day is coming. Not right off but it is coming. Certainly this health care gig will take the last remaining dolllars if there are any. There wont be many follow-on acts like that or spendulus either so we are getting there. Most presidents have had more trouble with their own party than the opposition. The republicans are going to remain weak but he is still going to have plenty of problems from dems who know that it is the folks back home and not Obama that get them re-elected. The fact that Palin and Newt and Jindall are weak candidates will not save Obama from what is coming.
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The argument that if it is FREE they will not sign up is complete garbage. They will sign up in percentages you have never seen before.
True, Al didn't read what I wrote. Registering for the DNC list is free. I said Mass. had to chase people down to get them to sign up for free health care however my main point is no current proposal involves any kind of free care.

I think at best we may be dealing with free health care at 200% or below of FPL.

My point is Obama's going through all this work to get GI plans that without a doubt will cost "middle class" Americans around $500 or so a month for a family plan.

If that happens they'll sign up around 10% of the 45 million uninsured - that's it. Those obviously be the people who need a lot of care and current don't have a plan. The other 90% won't budge. Most are uninsured by choice.

Right now if my family signs up for the Bronze plan in Mass. it would cost us $745. Do you think Americans would happy with that? Hell no.

For the time being we can pass legislation requiring every state to have a risk pool and the gov't can offset the costs depending on income - also regulating the benefits of state plans so no state "pulls a Florida."
For the time being we can pass legislation requiring every state to have a risk pool and the gov't can offset the costs depending on income - also regulating the benefits of state plans so no state "pulls a Florida."

To be clear, the "Cover Florida" plans are NOT a state risk pool. They are plans issued and backed by private insurers.

They ARE a joke. "Bare-bones" would be very generous...I think only something like 1,200 people have signed up last I checked...

Florida does indeed have a "high-risk" health insurance pool, problem is it hasn't been funded since 1991.
True, but FL should have told the carriers; "come back when you have something real to show us."

The process was actually in reverse.

Our well-tanned, heavily-rumored-to-be-gay Governor, Charlie Crist, who's now running for the Senate, came up with this hare-brained idea.

The idea was that the trade-off for lower cost was not having to include the state mandated minimum benefits.

Of course with an annual cap of $50,000 on some "catastrophic" plans, I wonder what people will do on their third day in the hospital?
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Our well-tanned, heavily-rumored-to-be-gay Governor, Charlie Crist,

You say that like it is a bad thing . . .

Of course with an annual cap of $50,000 on some "catastrophic" plans, I wonder what people will do on their third day in the hospital?

Pulling the plug is an option.
As a proud neo con who believes that the USA is the last defense against a draconian Muslim world view; I will tell you quite frankly that whatever a man does personally that does not harm others is his business, I have no obligation to my fellow man that overrides my need of rational self interest, that liberalism is false guilt by people who are well off and that God does exist and will judge those who call his son gay quite harshly.

If you see a thunderbolt Al please Duck.
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