Yagent where did you see that " The rider they are speaking about allows them to upgrade to a higher level non ACA compliant INDEMNITY plan."

I didn't see that in their brochure?

What state are u looking at?


Yagent where did you see that " The rider they are speaking about allows them to upgrade to a higher level non ACA compliant INDEMNITY plan."

I didn't see that in their brochure?

Page 11.

Post the link to the linkedin thread here too
Here is the link

But this is post that stuck out"

Sam, be professional and know the accuracy of what you say publicly about another company; particularly what you think USHEALTH "can't" do and in your own words after a year long hiatus from seeing our plans. We are the only company in America who CAN, IS and WILL continue to provide major medical coverage among others without qualifying event limitations. I empathize with your frustrations over mandated restrictions, but we are simply unencumbered by ACA mandates and closed enrollment. You may CONFIRM this with the Illinois insurance commissioner who will undoubtedly know about your multiple false statements about USHA after I gave you and Robert the courtesy of a warning.
its a limited benefit plan and is not aca compliant.....they can buy it year round but will not get you out of paying a penalty.......

Here is the link

But this is post that stuck out"

Sam, be professional and know the accuracy of what you say publicly about another company; particularly what you think USHEALTH "can't" do and in your own words after a year long hiatus from seeing our plans. We are the only company in America who CAN, IS and WILL continue to provide major medical coverage among others without qualifying event limitations. I empathize with your frustrations over mandated restrictions, but we are simply unencumbered by ACA mandates and closed enrollment. You may CONFIRM this with the Illinois insurance commissioner who will undoubtedly know about your multiple false statements about USHA after I gave you and Robert the courtesy of a warning.
Here is the link

But this is post that stuck out"

Sam, be professional and know the accuracy of what you say publicly about another company; particularly what you think USHEALTH "can't" do and in your own words after a year long hiatus from seeing our plans. We are the only company in America who CAN, IS and WILL continue to provide major medical coverage among others without qualifying event limitations. I empathize with your frustrations over mandated restrictions, but we are simply unencumbered by ACA mandates and closed enrollment. You may CONFIRM this with the Illinois insurance commissioner who will undoubtedly know about your multiple false statements about USHA after I gave you and Robert the courtesy of a warning.

He states it's major medical, it is clearly not.
Here is the article for those not on LinkedIn that was posted.
Companies Use Obamacare Confusion To Sell 'Junk Insurance'

The Kool aid must be strong this time of year for that guy to post that.

And he doubles down with his second comment to you.

I mean look, their own website says "fixed indemnity" listed on every product
USHEALTH Group | Brochures

SecureCare Please use use this brochure when selling SecureCare Fixed Indemnity Medical Insurance for applications on or after 2/19/14. Replaces all prior files.
SecureCare Plus Please use use this brochure when selling SecureCare Plus Fixed Indemnity Medical Insurance for applications on or after 2/19/14. Replaces all prior files.
ABC SecureAccess Please use this brochure when presenting ABC SecureAccess Membership (all levels), including blanket guaranteed issue fixed indemnity daily/monthly benefits on or after 4/22/14
This is the same crap they have been selling for the past 4 years and, by their own admission, does not contain all of the EHB's so policy holders are therefore subject to the penalty:

ACA Individual Mandate & Shared Responsibility Payment
The individual mandate under the ACA generally requires individuals to have "minimum essential coverage" in 2014 and beyond, or be subject
to payment of an annual "shared responsibility payment", the amount of which is based, in part, upon the individual's household income
each year. The ACA's "shared responsibility payment" has also been referred to from time to time as a tax and as a penalty, and is payable
to the federal government. Fixed indemnity plans are exempt from the coverage and rating mandates of the ACA, and therefore are not
considered "minimum essential coverage" under the ACA. If an individual (a) does not receive an ACA exemption annually from the federal
government for the individual mandate, or (b) does not maintain "minimum essential coverage" under the ACA for 9 or more consecutive
months during each year, (including coverage under one of the following types of plans (i) an employer sponsored group health plan, (ii) a
grandfathered health plan, (iii) a non-grandfathered health plan for which the government has granted a waiver of the individual mandate,
or (iv) an ACA essential health benefits plan), he will be subject to the ACA's annual "shared responsibility

According to the fine print, the purchase of one of the step up riders allows the insured to switch to an 'essential health benefit' plan of theirs at any time. They filed plans in Florida and I have requested the downloaded file with rates.
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it seems inconclusive the poicyhilder can step up to an ACA plan at any time during the year...isnt the rider doubling the limited benefit only if chosen?
I had a conversation with a guy that said the same things. I think they are trying to use the "I lost coverage" SEP. I didn't want too many details so I cut the conversation short. How can you lose coverage when with a limited liability you never had coverage?

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