I had a conversation with a guy that said the same things. I think they are trying to use the "I lost coverage" SEP. I didn't want too many details so I cut the conversation short. How can you lose coverage when with a limited liability you never had coverage? Sent from my Samsung Galaxy

Yes, "I lost coverage" SEP paired with "We are the only company in America who CAN, IS and WILL continue to provide major medical coverage among others without qualifying event limitations" with threats to report anyone who says otherwise. Right.
Can I get in trouble saying something that was incorrect about a company even though on in our certification it said you can only enroll in a qhp outside of the enrollment period if its a qualifying event? Plus this was in a linkedin group it wasn't like I was advertising this to a client? I'm just wondering if I can get in trouble and what's the penalty.

Sam that guy is not going to report you and jump through all the hoops, for what? speaking out of turn? whatever, tell him to pound sand and move on.
how are there any loopholes here? u drop a limited medical to get double benefit limited no sense and furthermore wheres the proof u can drop their limited medical and pick up and aca compliant plan outside an open enrollment? these guys threatening other agents is simply insane..
US Health Group is run by almost the same crew that ran UGA years ago. Troy McQuagge is the CEO etc. Same MO wash, rinse, repeat.

Not gonna lie I wouldnt' sell the product but if the company went public I would be incredibly long.
I had a discussion on Linkedin ( I thought it was a discussion) he got offended though with some guy with US HEALTHGROUP. He said they can enroll people year round. I told him unless its a qualifying event that is not true.

Well it turns out he is correct they have a rider on their fixed indemity plan you can purchase at application that you can buy into one of their ACA compliant plans throughout the year. The plan is securecare plus. He said he is now reporting me, what can happen if I said a false statement about that carrier. I based my knowledge on we we were all certified on.



Sam, you can buy this policy year around, but as indicated by other astute posters, the SecureCarePlus is not Minimum Essential Coverage, as defined by the Affordable Care Act. Regardless of what RIDERS or UPGRADES you add to this Limited Benefit plan, it still contains numerous waiting periods, limitations and exclusions. Can dress it up, but it's still the same Non-Compliant critter.

If someone from U.S. Healthgroup is stating in writing that SecureCarePlus is "Major Medical", and is threatening you for pointing out that it isn't major medical, copy/paste as much evidence as you can into an e-mail and send it to that person's state Department of Insurance. I would do AT LEAST that much.
Optional Hospital Confinement Benefit Step Up Rider* (UWFI-2013-R-FLIC, available for an additional premium)
At the time of application, You must lock in Your Optional Hospital Confinement Rider option to automatically increase the amount of Daily Covered
Medical & Surgical Services Fixed Indemnity Benefits payable under the Certificate for the Hospital Room & Board Daily Fixed Indemnity Benefit, the
Hospital Intensive Care Unit Room & Board Daily Fixed Indemnity Benefit, and the Hospital Miscellaneous Expenses Daily Fixed Indemnity Benefit to
a level that is two hundred fifty percent (250%) of the base amount of the plan level selected for each covered service received during the first seven
(7) days any Insured is Confined as an Inpatient at a Hospital after expiration of the elimination period.
The increase in the amount of fixed indemnity benefits payable for specified Covered Medical & Surgical Services occurs automatically upon the
Insured's Confinement in a Hospital, without any required action on the part of the Insured, without any medical underwriting by the Company.
Under this rider, Benefits will be paid at the increased level from the moment the applicable Elimination Period under the Certificate is satisfied, and
will continue at the increased level for a period of seven (7) days from such date while the Insured remains Hospital Confined, after which time the
amount of benefits payable for Covered Medical & Surgical Services will be automatically reduced to the amount initially selected and purchased by
the Primary Insured.
The Optional Hospital Confinement Rider is subject to all the terms, conditions, limitations, exclusions and definitions contained in the Certificate.

*With the purchase of one of the SecureCare Plus plans and this rider, you have the right, at any time without any waiting period, to purchase one of our
essential health benefit plans approved for sale to residents of this state without medical underwriting.

Based on my personal, very brief experience with them, US Healthgroup is a bad company run by worse people but they do offer this upgrade opportunity from Indemnity to compliant plan.

The negative, of course, is that making this conversion requires payment of the difference in premium would have to be paid for the entire term of the policy-this could be a prohibitive cost since it's possible their rates for these plans are very high. My guess is that their customers aren't exactly told of this upfront.
seriously if this is so how are they doing this under the law? its almost like GI year round for ACA compliant plan..seems snakeoiley
I don't think their "EHB" plan is an ACA compliant EHB plan. It's not offered on their website at all. No mention of bronze or metals.