replacing AM AM

I was questioning if Term was the correct solution here. What's the total mortgage, would WL that would give the family 'mortgage payment protection' be smarter?
I was questioning if Term was the correct solution here. What's the total mortgage, would WL that would give the family 'mortgage payment protection' be smarter?

i concur
i wouldn't ever sell a 73 yr old a term policy
its not what i would want my father having
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i concur
i wouldn't ever sell a 73 yr old a term policy
its not what i would want my father faving

Have you read the description of the client's problem? Why would a $400/month whole life policy be better than a $140/month 10 year term policy to take care of the remaining 10 year mortgage balance should the proposed insured pass before the debt is paid?

Term is for temporary problems, right? That mortgage debt goes away in 10 years. Why, pray tell, does the client need whole life for that temporary situation?
Have you read the description of the client's problem? Why would a $400/month whole life policy be better than a $140/month 10 year term policy to take care of the remaining 10 year mortgage balance should the proposed insured pass before the debt is paid?

Term is for temporary problems, right? That mortgage debt goes away in 10 years. Why, pray tell, does the client need whole life for that temporary situation?

i would probably ask the client more questions... the house is probably worth more than 50K...

i am not saying that its wrong or unethical to sell a 73 yr old a term policy... i am simply saying i wouldn't want my father having this... and that i agree with baseball07
The thing is I already tried selling this guy whole life, didn't bite so this is my only option to gain the business. Prolly not going to work out anyways, can't find anything that beats AM AM
Just curious, when many of you come across these potential replacements, what is the customer saying that makes you actively search for a cheaper policy instead of selling them additional coverage?

I'm asking bc I replace if it makes sense, but I don't come across many customers that just ask me if I have anything cheaper.
I would have told him he did a great job finding something that fit his term needs and then proposed him having both term and a small whole life to take care of the funeral. Would have transitioned into why he filled out a card.

Even if you did find something a bit cheaper I bet you couldn't even get back in the door.

It's a good diversion ...ah yea just come back when you have a cheaper price haha.

Actually I thought about it and I'm just going to stick with what I got!!
1) policy review

I don't recommend anything til i review any existing coverage

I get that. I review it too (if they have it on them). But if You came across a 50k term policy, what would trigger you (or anyone) to go right into beat price?