Ride Along With Experienced FE Agents

I'm not an upline. Im simply providing service to the agency,trainee,holding their hand for a few days.

You have tons of FE experience.

If you were performing this task,what's fair to you as the agent ?

So you are doing all of the work and gaining zero as to overrides? You keep all of the commissions. The trainee or the agency pays for the leads, the trainee's travel, and hotel cost..

I don't see any upside for you outside of doing a solid for the others. I have done ride alongs with agents and it was just to help them out, nothing wrong with helping someone. Same with being the 'phone a friend' for agents I have never met. Good karma comes around.
Was training a debit agent. We parked, got out of the car, started walking toward the residence. Heard a dog barking, looked and saw he was chained to a clothes line. Turned to the agent (who was afraid of dogs) and told him to come on, the dog was chained. Got about halfway to the home and heard a loud pop. The dog had broken the chain was was heading for us. The agent was caring the debit book, a huge book that we used to fend of dogs if need be. I turned to get the book from him since I was in front only to discover he was no longer behind me but was standing in the middle of the hood of his 72 Torino. Fortunately the lady of the house appeared at the door and called the dog down. But, you are right... New agents make poor backup. :yes:

There are some tough dogs between salespeople and the front door in Virginia and Tennessee.

Angry At Being Door Knocked Signed Lead Card In Hand
Dec 23, 2020
I had a guy come after me with a shovel,been threatened,chased off over the years,mostly after the rude person who sent in the card feels safe,like when I'm back in my truck or clearly walking away off the property."

Is this the real reason you want somebody along, for back up?

Your whole thread and premise wasn't making any sense until I saw your post from December 2020
Consider this: As a Leader who receives overrides for 99% of the work the trainee will do eventually, why do I need additional compensation in the form of commissions for training? More importantly, I need to prove that he can entrust the growth and development of his business to me; and, that I am worth every dime he pays in overrides. All the trainee needs to do is invest in themselves and their business. If buying leads is a problem, the trainee (business owner) can charge it to a credit card. If he/she does not have a credit card, that may suggests something negative about their character or worse, their work ethic and ability to keep you employed. Let's suppose, however, that the trainee needs a second chance at life and you believe in each other. Front him/her the first set of leads (+/-$900). The Leader conducts as many presentations as necessary, and keeps 100% commissions from every sale, until break-even and reimbursed for the lead expense. The first two sales should be sufficient for this. Assuming the trainee went as far as to travel out of state, get a hotel, rent a car, etc., give them the next few sales until they are reimbursed for their out of pocket expenses. Now that everyone is at break-even, the trainee would have seen a sufficient number of presentations performed by the Leader; and therefore, should now be prepared to present, or alternate when necessary. However, allow the trainee to continue retaining 100% of commissions from the remainder of leads, as profit, regardless of who presents. Ultimately, the Leader will be compensated on 100% of all sales made anyway. The first 2 sales in the form of commission to break even. The remainder of sales made is profit in the form of overrides, regardless of who presents.
This way, both parties have something to lose. Both parties realize they need each other to win. As a result, both have to deposit trust in each other and work as a team. In the end, they both win. Loyalty has been created and psychologically, the trainee has to reciprocate because he feels indebted to his Leader. For as long as the trainee feels indebted, the Leader has cemented an equitable ownership in the trainee's business, without the need to invest additional capital.

No more free advice. Buy my book.:biggrin:
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