Ride Along With Experienced FE Agents

"Not Recruiting Just Need Ideas.

We are putting together a program for agents getting their feet wet in FE. Agents would come to the office at their own expense,food,gas,motel…etc…

Agents would do a meet and greet at the office,questions and answers,then head into the field with leads provided at the expense of the agency work 2-3 days in the field.

The cost of the leads for each particular agent would be recovered by the agency on production first,then the agent of record (writing with his/her number,contracts,and using their vehicle,gas) would work some sort of split with the agent riding along ?

What's a fair split ?

How is this best structured ?

Of course,I cannot be responsible to pay an agent out of my commissions.

There are chargebacks,contestable claims,taxes.

Ideas ? "

If you are putting your training plan together with Todd you shouldn't have to be up here asking any questions. Todd is an experienced FE trainer and should be able to handle this. What does Todd say? You're not doing Todd any favors by being up here and asking questions that he could easily handle. Unless maybe I misunderstood your post?
If you are putting your training plan together with Todd you shouldn't have to be up here asking any questions. Todd is an experienced FE trainer and should be able to handle this. What does Todd say? You're not doing Todd any favors by being up here and asking questions that he could easily handle. Unless maybe I misunderstood your post?

Sounds like you're ready to pick a fight.

Why don't you ask Todd ? He can explain better just for you. I'm sure he'd love to hear from you !
Sounds like you're ready to pick a fight.

Why don't you ask Todd ? He can explain better just for you. I'm sure he'd love to hear from you !

Not trying to argue with you. I asked a very logical and honest question. Todd is an accomplished agency owner. You are in his downline with questions. Common sense says to ask your upline. Todd is your upline and can easily handle your questions. Makes sense right?
Not trying to argue with you. I asked a very logical and honest question. Todd is an accomplished agency owner. You are in his downline with questions. Common sense says to ask your upline. Todd is your upline and can easily handle your questions. Makes sense right?

C'mon man !

Am I not allowed to solicit other opinions on the Forum ?

Why don't you ask him if it's ok ?

Angry At Being Door Knocked Signed Lead Card In Hand
Dec 23, 2020
I had a guy come after me with a shovel,been threatened,chased off over the years,mostly after the rude person who sent in the card feels safe,like when I'm back in my truck or clearly walking away off the property."

Is this the real reason you want somebody along, for back up?

Your whole thread and premise wasn't making any sense until I saw your post from December 2020
I think this thread is a mistake and Todd should ask the moderators to have it removed. I don't think it reflects well on either OP or the TRKing Agency.

Todd should be setting the parameters for this program. I can easily think of at least 5 fmo or upline forum members he could attempt to have phone and pm and maybe in person meetings with about these issues.

If the FMO can't set value on the resources he is providing for training, If the trainer can't set value on the time and resources they provide and puts their own interests ahead of the FMO and trainee, then in my opinion the situation is a setup for all three parties to the training transaction to feel cheated and unhappy.

(Just the opinion of a non-agent observer to the thread.)
I have never done that but the uplines I know that do buy all the leads, writes all the business and keeps all the commission. The trainee considers it his tuition for being allowed the priviledge to ride along.

Who buys supper! :D