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Safeco's study "The State Of Women in Insurance"

Uh...all over the place. The D's almost nominated a literal "socialist" the last 2 elections. Some of their top/most influential members are openly "socialists". The Build Back Better (Green New Deal) would be the biggest step in that direction we've ever taken.

Almost isn't it. Bernie never had a chance as the DNC's front-runner because the oligarchs felt threatened. And what exactly is socialist about the Green New Deal? Is socialism a bigger boogeyman for you than overreliance on non-renewable energy sources? Is the Green New Deal really the biggest step in "that" direction vs. say...the New Deal in the 30s?

If you'd read any/followed where the communist movement has gone in the last 100 years or so, you'd know how foolish that is to say. Neo-Marxism now reigns supreme. It's not just means of production anymore...they believe the culture has hypnotized the working class into not being down with the revolution anymore.

Take the Marxist idea of "private property", replace it with "maleness" and you've got the ideology pushing the "pay gap" nonsense. Replace it with "whiteness" and you've got the ideology pushing Critical Race Theory.

All with the same goal, the same revolution...

I assure you I've read more on the topic than you have if your idea of Marxism is just "critiques of societal flaws." It's part of it, sure...but to say Marxism reigns supreme but the working class is hypnotized into not being down is pretty contradictory, no? Sounds like a significant win for capitalism.
Almost isn't it. Bernie never had a chance as the DNC's front-runner because the oligarchs felt threatened.

So we've gone from "What socialists?" to "The most powerful political party in the world would've nominated a socialist but the oligarchs got in the way." That was fast. :D

And what exactly is socialist about the Green New Deal?

Massive transfer of economic control to the government, more reliance by people on the government in the form of jobs and direct handouts, etc.

Is socialism a bigger boogeyman for you than overreliance on non-renewable energy sources?

"Overreliance on non-renewable energy sources" is a boogie man. Socialists are real.

And belief in your boogie man has the world in a heap of trouble right now. Like hearing there's a stop light miles ahead and slamming the breaks, causing a massive pileup. Causing large increases in cost of living for those who can least afford it, and leaving nations looking to develop no hope whatsoever.

Is the Green New Deal really the biggest step in "that" direction vs. say...the New Deal in the 30s?

Yes. The New Deal was a reaction to the Depression by a non-socialist. It wasn't an attempt to "transform" society devised by literal socialists.

I assure you I've read more on the topic than you have if your idea of Marxism is just "critiques of societal flaws." It's part of it, sure...but to say Marxism reigns supreme but the working class is hypnotized into not being down is pretty contradictory, no? Sounds like a significant win for capitalism.

You haven't read anything at all and you have no idea what you're talking about. I said NEO-MARXISM, and I didn't say "critiques of societal flaws."

Yes, the neo-Marxists DO consider that a significant win for capitalism. They believe Marx was wrong about the inevitability of the working class getting fed up, that the fruits of capitalism made it too easy for the them to become complacent. That's why they came up with Critical Theory; a method of convincing people the social forces they live with have hypnotized them into thinking their oppression is normal and awakening them to a "critical consciousness", with the goal of sparking a (socialist/communist) revolution.

To bring this back somewhat to the topic, this is why there are still so may people pushing this "pay gap" narrative. A good faith analysis of the data quickly reveals it is clearly not true that men make more than women (on average) due to bias. But because it isn't being analyzed in good faith, rather as an attempt to make our society look unfair (a Critical Theory of sex and pay, if you will), the narrative persists in the face of what the data actually shows.
Nobody said "what socialists?" You're the one implying that there's an attempt at some form of communist revolution. I'm saying you're being led by the nose if you think the handful of socialists on the left have any sway over the status quo.

"Overreliance on non-renewable energy sources" is a boogie man. Socialists are real.

And belief in your boogie man has the world in a heap of trouble right now. Like hearing there's a stop light miles ahead and slamming the breaks, causing a massive pileup. Causing large increases in cost of living for those who can least afford it, and leaving nations looking to develop no hope whatsoever.

Both are real. People are experiencing real consequences of overreliance on non-renewable energy. People who think they're experiencing the real consequences of socialism are conflating it with "wokeness" or whatever the GOP propagandistic buzzword of the day is.

A more apt analogy here would be that the stop light a hundred yards ahead is malfunctioning but nobody cares to fix it because a few fatal car accidents is just the price to pay for sustaining the flow of traffic. That's capitalism, baby.

You haven't read anything at all and you have no idea what you're talking about. I said NEO-MARXISM, and I didn't say "critiques of societal flaws."

Yes, the neo-Marxists DO consider that a significant win for capitalism. They believe Marx was wrong about the inevitability of the working class getting fed up, that the fruits of capitalism made it too easy for the them to become complacent. That's why they came up with Critical Theory; a method of convincing people the social forces they live with have hypnotized them into thinking their oppression is normal and awakening them to a "critical consciousness", with the goal of sparking a (socialist/communist) revolution.

To bring this back somewhat to the topic, this is why there are still so may people pushing this "pay gap" narrative. A good faith analysis of the data quickly reveals it is clearly not true that men make more than women (on average) due to bias. But because it isn't being analyzed in good faith, rather as an attempt to make our society look unfair (a Critical Theory of sex and pay, if you will), the narrative persists in the face of what the data actually shows.

LOL, ok. I find it hard to believe you've read anything out of the Frankfurt School if this is your conclusion. I realize that content might be difficult to come by in AL. I expect it'll be the same in FL before long. It's funny you think these issues aren't being analyzed in good faith when there's plenty of empirical data showing otherwise.
Nobody said "what socialists?" You're the one implying that there's an attempt at some form of communist revolution. I'm saying you're being led by the nose if you think the handful of socialists on the left have any sway over the status quo.

You believe there are socialists all over the place who AREN'T working to attempt a revolution? Half the country would've nominated a a socialist were it not for the "oligarchs", according to you, but I'm an *** to believe they actually want socialism? Riiiiight.

Both are real. People are experiencing real consequences of overreliance on non-renewable energy.

EVERYONE is experiencing the real consequence of high energy costs, and it's going to get worse. Hundreds of millions of people will remain in poverty because their nations won't have the cheap energy available to them that the rest of the world developed with.

People who think they're experiencing the real consequences of socialism are conflating it with "wokeness" or whatever the GOP propagandistic buzzword of the day is.

We're not at the mass starvation and execution of dissenters yet, I'll give you that. But we've got people being jailed for voicing dissent just north of our border. We've got "equity" working its way into our scientific fields. We've got Critical Pedagogy dominating our colleges of education, leading to radicalized youth who perform worse academically than their predecessors. We had a summer of riots with billions in damage. We have increased crime, lowered enforcement/incarceration and a movement to "transform" policing. We have real consequences.

A more apt analogy here would be that the stop light a hundred yards ahead is malfunctioning but nobody cares to fix it because a few fatal car accidents is just the price to pay for sustaining the flow of traffic. That's capitalism, baby.

Yes, a few fatal car accidents IS the price you pay for sustaining the flow of traffic. Duh. Because if the traffic stops, we can't do what we need to do to keep people alive and able to enjoy their lives.

Now tell me how you're not a socialist. I love being lied to.

LOL, ok. I find it hard to believe you've read anything out of the Frankfurt School if this is your conclusion. I realize that content might be difficult to come by in AL.

Try me. I've read Marcuse, Adorno and Horkheimer extensively.

It's funny you think these issues aren't being analyzed in good faith when there's plenty of empirical data showing otherwise.

What's funny is people like you can look at the data, which clearly shows the OPPOSITE of what you say it does, and with a straight face keep on spouting the same B.S.

Simple question; the data shows the "pay gap" for insurance sales agents is wider than the national average for all (67 cents per dollar vs 87 per dollar). Do you believe that shows discrimination in pay against women is greater in the field than average?
You believe there are socialists all over the place who AREN'T working to attempt a revolution? Half the country would've nominated a a socialist were it not for the "oligarchs", according to you, but I'm an *** to believe they actually want socialism? Riiiiight.

What you have to understand is the maj of those, The people on the ground the reg joe who is involved

Does not really understand what they are pushing or the consequences of it, They are taught and guilted into it

Its the right thing

It's about fairness

Opposition is racist feminists and all kinds of insults they don't want to be associated with

And there are many who don't believe in it but are silenced due to fear of the same

In addition many young adults are taught that communism is not what it is its not a dirty word and it is about fairness equality and the like
What you have to understand is the maj of those, The people on the ground the reg joe who is involved

Does not really understand what they are pushing or the consequences of it, They are taught and guilted into it

Its the right thing

It's about fairness

Opposition is racist feminists and all kinds of insults they don't want to be associated with

And there are many who don't believe in it but are silenced due to fear of the same

In addition many young adults are taught that communism is not what it is its not a dirty word and it is about fairness equality and the like

Of course. The communists have quite the history of creating radical revolutionaries who cause chaos and then executing the chaos causers when they are in control. True useful idiots.

There's also a similarity to Scientology in that the root of the ideology isn't openly presented. I mean, how many people know that the idea of Communism comes from Marx's notion of man fully actualizing as a conscious being in realizing he is his own creator? That'll just get you weird, blank stares. "This is all unfair!" works much better as a recruiting slogan.

But back to this pay gap thing...
Of course. The communists have quite the history of creating radical revolutionaries who cause chaos and then executing the chaos causers when they are in control. True useful idiots.

There's also a similarity to Scientology in that the root of the ideology isn't openly presented. I mean, how many people know that the idea of Communism comes from Marx's notion of man fully actualizing as a conscious being in realizing he is his own creator? That'll just get you weird, blank stares. "This is all unfair!" works much better as a recruiting slogan.

But back to this pay gap thing...

Does not really understand what they are pushing or the consequences of it, They are taught and guilted into it

Its the right thing

It's about fairness

Opposition is racist feminists and all kinds of insults they don't want to be associated with

And there are many who don't believe in it but are silenced due to fear of the same

Just happened to watch a 2002 episode of South Park yesterday with my adult daughter (never been a huge fan of South Park for the foul language & some of its weirdness). but this episode is really pretty accurate as to where we are at in regard to acceptance, tolerance & division (disagreement goes immediately to being considered intolerant/hateful/bigoted).

The episode seems extreme (especially 20 years ago) but some recent events tend to reveal there is some reality to this. Even some of my friends that are liberal & relatives that are gay believe extremists have overtaken their causes.

story line is a teacher is trying to get fired to be able to sue. teacher gets more & more extreme to the point that all the kids & even other minority employees are disciplined & sent to concentration camp for being intolerant. The more & more bizarre the teacher gets, the more praise for courage he receives.

Not sure where you can watch entire episode, but here is a Youtube clip #1 of 10: South Park: The Death Camp of Tolerance (part 1/10) - YouTube

South Park: The Death Camp of Tolerance (part 5/10) - YouTube