Say Goodbye To Existing Non-Grandfathered Policies?

This house bill keeps the government running until September 30th, with budget cuts including the proposed HIX cuts.

I would really rather see them allow the exchanges to keep going until about August or September, to give the public a chance to hear the premiums, products, and networks available inside the exchange. Hopefully by then they can have a taste of products and networks in the private market outside the exchange. The public might even get wind of termination letters coming down for IFP plans terminating 12/31/2013. I can only imagine the public uproar. I think the GOP would have a much better chance at stopping it at that point, and getting much greater budget cuts on PPACA to boot.
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Seems several carriers have indicated they will boycott HIX. Could get very interesting as we approach 2014

I am wondering the same thing....during the sub-committee meeting on Monday, a gentleman from a health cooperative had offered their assistance in constructing the exchange and one of the Senators asked him if his group was the only player, could they handle the volume and loss. This senator continued to bring up the scenario of having very few or even just one player. This is the same meeting that representatives from BC/BS echoed the 'undecided' mantra. From conversations with my UH One rep, it seems that they are on board, but they are also doing some heavy lobbying and if they don't get their way, they may keep their ball in their own court.

How interesting would it be if various states had no insurers step up to the plate, or have a small cooperative with little capital to protect them from losses as the only players.....I guess I am not aware of any part of the law requiring any insurers to participate in the exchanges....Wouldn't that be an interesting twist?
One of the complaints about competition is the domination by 1 or 2 carriers in a market. The Congress-idiots claim this is proof the govt needs to force competition to lower prices.

Imagine going to all this trouble and expense of creating HIX only to have FEWER players in the market and HIGHER prices.
Bob...your point is further evidence that we need to put up signage 'Caution Community Organizer at Work'
I just finished a call from a small group with a grandfathered plan, wanting to change benefits drastically for a lower premium! After I explained what premiums will be in 2014, they decided to stay with their current plan design!
After I explained what premiums will be in 2014, they decided to stay with their current plan design!

Obviously you did your job too well. Scared the crap out of them.