Securus? Any Recent News

Mr. Ho ONCE AGAIN proven wrong and subsequently bitch slapped into submission. He's not been correct about one thing since he started spouting around here.

He hasn't been around long enough to collect renewals anyway.
I never said anything about retirement. Not sure who brought that up. And the math on 125k placed is peanuts. Seriously, a full time agent only placing 125k, I can see a part time agent doing that, but a full time agent? Maybe I got this entire business wrong. I enjoy much more than the 2k in renewals than what your math shows, and Ive even admitted to a below average placement rate. What gives?

Maybe just maybe your a liar.

It's clear you can't do math, and no nothing about this business.
There is a new IMO affiliated/owned by insurance giant Amerilife Group called AmeriLife Home Protection Services LLC. based out of Clearwater Florida. I joined them back in March and I am so unbelievably happy with my experience. I get an average 15 fresh mortgage protection direct mail leads a week I pay a fraction of the cost than what they cost to generate. I have a very high contract. I am currently building a team and all 8 of my agents that I brought on board are all getting an average of 15 mortgage protection leads per week. Between my personal production commissions and my override commissions I earned approximately $28,000 in commission last month. They emphasize on being different than all the other IMOs that have destroyed the market place over the years in the mortgage protection and FE markets with these MLM recruiting systems etc.. Most of you know which IMO's I'm referring to without saying their names. Hint Most of them are spinoffs from the same host based out of NC. My leads and territories I work are protected. I have read all these horror stories about all these IMO's and I just want to throw this information out there because it is a truly a breath of fresh air to be working with this company. They really do know what they are doing and are very efficient. I also like knowing that the parent company has an approximate net worth of $500 million.. per Tampa Business journal. Google it.. I believe this will become the dominant of all IMO's that do what we do over time.

Can you stop spamming and post naturally then low key introduce your imo like everyone else on here?....
There is a new IMO affiliated/owned by insurance giant Amerilife Group called AmeriLife Home Protection Services LLC. based out of Clearwater Florida. I joined them back in March and I am so unbelievably happy with my experience. I get an average 15 fresh mortgage protection direct mail leads a week I pay a fraction of the cost than what they cost to generate. I have a very high contract. I am currently building a team and all 8 of my agents that I brought on board are all getting an average of 15 mortgage protection leads per week. Between my personal production commissions and my override commissions I earned approximately $28,000 in commission last month. They emphasize on being different than all the other IMOs that have destroyed the market place over the years in the mortgage protection and FE markets with these MLM recruiting systems etc.. Most of you know which IMO's I'm referring to without saying their names. Hint Most of them are spinoffs from the same host based out of NC. My leads and territories I work are protected. I have read all these horror stories about all these IMO's and I just want to throw this information out there because it is a truly a breath of fresh air to be working with this company. They really do know what they are doing and are very efficient. I also like knowing that the parent company has an approximate net worth of $500 million.. per Tampa Business journal. Google it.. I believe this will become the dominant of all IMO's that do what we do over time.

So you started in March, and you are already experienced enough to be making money off of 8 agents under you? You don't think they would have been better off with a more experienced trainer/mentor? Keep trying to pimp your IMO, but the people that read here for the most part aren't dumb enough to fall for this. Bet your HIGH contracts are really low :)
There is a new IMO affiliated/owned by insurance giant Amerilife Group called AmeriLife Home Protection Services LLC. based out of Clearwater Florida. I joined them back in March and I am so unbelievably happy with my experience. I get an average 15 fresh mortgage protection direct mail leads a week I pay a fraction of the cost than what they cost to generate. I have a very high contract. I am currently building a team and all 8 of my agents that I brought on board are all getting an average of 15 mortgage protection leads per week. Between my personal production commissions and my override commissions I earned approximately $28,000 in commission last month. They emphasize on being different than all the other IMOs that have destroyed the market place over the years in the mortgage protection and FE markets with these MLM recruiting systems etc.. Most of you know which IMO's I'm referring to without saying their names. Hint Most of them are spinoffs from the same host based out of NC. My leads and territories I work are protected. I have read all these horror stories about all these IMO's and I just want to throw this information out there because it is a truly a breath of fresh air to be working with this company. They really do know what they are doing and are very efficient. I also like knowing that the parent company has an approximate net worth of $500 million.. per Tampa Business journal. Google it.. I believe this will become the dominant of all IMO's that do what we do over time.

Isn't this division run by Sam Wolfe?
so how are the leads at Securus anyway, anyone on the lead program of late who can provide some input? Ive read a few posters here argue about different comp schedules, depends on who you talk to at Securus just like any of the other IMO's who jerk you around. I just kept taking to somebody else till I get the answer i want and come to find out they give top level contracts to those who ask, i just want to know a little how the leads are if anyone has ACTUAL experience with them and not just speculation....
so how are the leads at Securus anyway, anyone on the lead program of late who can provide some input? Ive read a few posters here argue about different comp schedules, depends on who you talk to at Securus just like any of the other IMO's who jerk you around. I just kept taking to somebody else till I get the answer i want and come to find out they give top level contracts to those who ask, i just want to know a little how the leads are if anyone has ACTUAL experience with them and not just speculation....

If you like buying 60 day old leads that are really over a year old and like to go to addresses where nothing is standing but a mailbox... have at it-
so how are the leads at Securus anyway, anyone on the lead program of late who can provide some input? Ive read a few posters here argue about different comp schedules, depends on who you talk to at Securus just like any of the other IMO's who jerk you around. I just kept taking to somebody else till I get the answer i want and come to find out they give top level contracts to those who ask, i just want to know a little how the leads are if anyone has ACTUAL experience with them and not just speculation....

Who would want to work with an IMO where they try to see what low levels they can get away with handing out to the unsuspecting agent who doesn't know to ask?

Do you really need to ask anymore questions about them? That's all most agents would need to know to run away!