Senate Report: Illegal Immigrants Benefited from Up to $750M in ObamaCare Subsidies

JFK would most likely be ashamed of the Democratic Party of 2016,


If JFK were alive today his principles would be more aligned with the Republican party than the Democrat.

Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country has morphed into I deserve a place where the govt provides for all my needs and wants.
"I think I understand you now. Is this really what you are saying with all this back & forth."

yes and no. I don't want to go off on the "I hate Obama " rant that comes with this because some hate the messenger and dislike the message because of it. As I said for an effective economy, it is a combination of government and private sector working to create growth.

I have said in the past that Clinton made more republicans than anybody in recent history... why? cause a lot of people made money under his terms in office. The outrage over the Bj gave them an excuse to hate on him, all the way to the bank. Fact was back then government and business worked pretty optimally to make for a successful period of time.

But can you get back to my question, how many government employees for a nation of 330 million is too much. Are we a 100 employees over? 1000? 1,000,000? What metric have you used to determine we have too many government employees?

I mean right now gun licenses have been suspended because there aren't enough people to process the license requests because demand is so high. Could it be we're underemployed in some areas of government service?
"I think I understand you now. Is this really what you are saying with all this back & forth."

yes and no. I don't want to go off on the "I hate Obama " rant that comes with this because some hate the messenger and dislike the message because of it. As I said for an effective economy, it is a combination of government and private sector working to create growth.

I have said in the past that Clinton made more republicans than anybody in recent history... why? cause a lot of people made money under his terms in office. The outrage over the Bj gave them an excuse to hate on him, all the way to the bank. Fact was back then government and business worked pretty optimally to make for a successful period of time.

But can you get back to my question, how many government employees for a nation of 330 million is too much. Are we a 100 employees over? 1000? 1,000,000? What metric have you used to determine we have too many government employees?

I mean right now gun licenses have been suspended because there aren't enough people to process the license requests because demand is so high. Could it be we're underemployed in some areas of government service?

I do not know ( nor do you ) how many government employees there should be for 330 million. I do know that every single employee that is employed by the Marketplace is a complete waste of $$ and is meant to replace you and I.

If you, even in the slightest way agree ( and you do) with Obama in that video you and I are so far apart Ideologically that all else does not matter.

A continued conversation with you is a complete waste of time.

Much success to you Comrade .
Somalia, Antartica, Afghanistan are countries that are either uninhabitable or run by thieves that still live in the middle ages. Are you trying to say that since these countries are not socialist ( with big government) yet they are dirt poor that this means that Socialism is not a bad thing ???

The United States of America is roughly 240 years old. We where founded on the principle of freedom & small government ( no king or queen to rule us) and in this relatively small time in history have become the worlds super power and most productive and wealthiest nation in history. The reason for this is because we are different from all the other socialist / communist government in history.

I am not really sure what your point of contention is today but please do not try to convince any of us that our Government needs to be bigger for the greater good. If this is what you desire than Canada is just to the North.

No, that's not what I'm trying to say... I'm trying to say exactly what I said.

YAgent said something like- government jobs rely on private sector jobs but private sector jobs can exist on their own.

scagent89? supported this argument by listing off problematic Socialist countries, to which, you applauded/agreed.

I am wondering if you, scagent or YAgent can provide a positive example of a real-world country that would support his argument. I can not. I simply listed countries that have very little to no government jobs.

Every great nation throughout history has risen and fallen. We are on the descent. No matter what we do, we will continue to descend. I don't think that is a bad thing, nor do I fear it. Just as a forest needs to burn to spawn new growth, so does our economy.

There is a wealth gap that you may not be aware of, and it's growing. That's a problem, and like it or not, it's real... Wealth inequality has widened along racial, ethnic lines since end of Great Recession | Pew Research Center

... it is for this reason I see Socialist agendas growing in popularity, as I've said 3 times now, not because of what I want, simply making an observation/prediction.

I am very content and have no intention of trying to convince anybody of anything. Simply curious to know if anyone can dig up a positive example of virtually no government jobs... that's it, not trying to prove anything, just curious. Sounds like a beautiful world, just not realistic.
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No need to look for another country to emulate, we are America, we do things differently here........for 200 yrs.

No need to force the wealth out of Americans, most of the 1%ers return it back to the people in many forms (taxes, jobs jobs jobs, charities like gates foundation, lavish spending.........somebody has to be able to afford a yacht, or say goodbye to high end industries.)
I see what healther is saying and he/she is right about that we will do whatever we have to do to keep the pot from boiling over. The Republic comes first.

So just be aware of these methods of taking your money and giving it to others.
1. Tax (This is about as high as it can go for regular workers ie "bell curve")

2. Printing Money (This reduces the purchasing power of the money you have and discourages savings,ie:a hidden tax...inflation)

3. Debt (This is a burden passed on to children of Millennials ie: "The Clueless Generation")
No need to look for another country to emulate, we are America, we do things differently here........for 200 yrs.

No need to force the wealth out of Americans, most of the 1%ers return it back to the people in many forms (taxes, jobs jobs jobs, charities like gates foundation, lavish spending.........somebody has to be able to afford a yacht, or say goodbye to high end industries.)

That's right, doesn't exist... you admit we are a great country and have more government jobs than you would like, correct?

Your philosophy contradicts reality - although it does sound good. If your philosophy reflected reality, we would not have an ever expanding wealth gap.
I do not know ( nor do you ) how many government employees there should be for 330 million. I do know that every single employee that is employed by the Marketplace is a complete waste of $$ and is meant to replace you and I.

If you, even in the slightest way agree ( and you do) with Obama in that video you and I are so far apart Ideologically that all else does not matter.

A continued conversation with you is a complete waste of time.

Much success to you Comrade .

So you're deciding by "feel" how many are too many, or by how you're effected in your job? Neither are really good metrics of how many is too many, but rather a complaint that someday be replacing your occupation.

I guess if my comments make me a "Comrade", yours must make you EMO...;) I mean you're whining because something hurts your feelings. Hopefully you're not dressed all in black with your hair hanging over your eyes..
Winter knows a secret back door entrance.

That's what she said when the bed broke.



Interesting to note how they throw in "illegal immigrant" along with 471,000 people that failed to provide sufficient documentation...t

It is no longer politically correct to refer to them as "illegal immigrants."

The correct term is "undocumented democrats."

Either way, the number is YUGE.
***Edit*** In your defense, I may vote for Bernie Sanders. He is the only candidate I know for certain is not full of it... maybe Kasich... not sure.

I know that post was not directed at me... but Kasich is the only candidate that can get this country back on the right path. Sanders will put us in the poor house... Hillary is obviously dishonest and will say/do whatever to get elected... the other republicans left are extremist nutcases (except for Trump who is saying stuff just to get press... but I still dont totally trust him)


"What you are describing is redistribution and relying on it leads to stagnation and deflation."

Yes, that is always a possibility, but are you claiming it is a certainty?
Usually stagnation occurs when people stop buying.

Ah so much to respond to here, forgive me if I don't officially quote each of you because there is just so much.

"I take $10 away from you and give it to Joe; Joe's personal economy just improved. But your personal economy just got worse. The NET increase to the overall economy between the two of you is a NET of ZERO. Nothing has been created, only moved around"

But as a government am I interested in just your personal economy or everybody's? If Joe is out of work, the government still has to feed, house and clothe Joe. If Joe has an income while providing service to taxpayers (park ranger, policeman, soldier, etc.) "we" are getting something back for the tax payments and those dollars are put back in the market.

It is not the government's primary function to worry about one individual, they have to worry about all. Your point addresses an individual situation. Would your feelings be different if you were in charge of the whole thing?

You totally missed my point Larry. The point was not about the individual... it was about the whole.

There were 2 people in that example. Those 2 people COMBINED represent the overall economy. In that example, between the 2 of them, the NET money created was $0. The total amount of money in the economy stayed the same.

Yes the countries economy has millions of people. But the end results after you do the math stay the same.

You are a smart man. Literally do the math of the other example I gave. If the main driver of an economy is taxation and redistribution, it creates stagnation and deflation. The numbers do not lie and it is exactly what is going on in the EU.

LGilmore Inc. pays 50% in taxes on their $100mm in profits. ($50mm)
That $50mm goes back to LGilmore Inc. to boost growth, & they pay $25mm in taxes on it.
That $25mm goes back to LGilmore Inc to boost growth, they pay $12mm in taxes on it.
That $12mm goes back to LG Inc to boost growth, they pay $6mm in taxes on it.
That $6mm goes back to LG Inc to boost growth, they pay $3mm in taxes on it.

The revenue received from taxes becomes less and less over time. Any positive effect that boosting the economy via taxes has, is quickly diminished over time. And if those taxes are the main driver of the economy, it causes deflation because there is less and less available to go back in to buy things.

If taxes are the main source of economic growth, it creates a deflationary cycle. As a one time boost like after 08/09... it has the potential to help a little bit in a large economy. But as a year after year systematic approach to growth it is disastrous and the math proves it.

Obviously our economy is more complex than just a single company. But the math again is linear and does not change even as you get into bigger and bigger numbers using more and more companies. And since the US has more than just taxes to help support our economy, so this example (like the EU) would be drawn out over a period of time longer than 4 or 5 years. But when the government (taxes or debt that will need future taxes) becomes the main driving source of the economy, it is all downhill from there, just a matter of time. The math does not lie.


YAgent said something like- government jobs rely on private sector jobs but private sector jobs can exist on their own.

scagent89? supported this argument by listing off problematic Socialist countries, to which, you applauded/agreed.

I am wondering if you, scagent or YAgent can provide a positive example of a real-world country that would support his argument. I can not. I simply listed countries that have very little to no government jobs.

I never said there was no need for government jobs. My point was that government jobs do not boost the economy. There is no economic growth when you add government jobs. It is simply redistributing the growth that has already happened. We need government jobs, but government jobs are not a solution to stimulate the economy.
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