SEO - For Insurance Agents

I notice the keyword stuffing of your signature file on this forum. Is that ok or only for people with 5k posts? (Seriously, forums can be good link bait for the search engines.)

It's actually only ok for him. I believe he is an exception and it's a perk for him volunteering as a moderator for so long. I have almost 10k posts and I'm unaware of anyone that receives the same treatment as him. There is a reason why they monitor that stuff, it helps keep the forum cleaned up.
I notice the keyword stuffing of your signature file on this forum. Is that ok or only for people with 5k posts? (Seriously, forums can be good link bait for the search engines.)

No, only one person can do that. Moderators are not paid but of course all the links could be considered remuneration.

But this is a privately owned forum and what Sam says, goes.

It is a experiment.....still trying to figure out if it is working.....

A while back, I was pawed by the Panda update, for having a link in everyone of my blog posts going to my main page, using the same wording in the link.

STI, if you see a hit in your Google rankings, it may be the result of having too many posts with your keyword-stuffed signature.
anyone thats upset about Sti getting more links in his Sig than anyone else, needs to rethink their SEO strategy lol
STI, if you see a hit in your Google rankings, it may be the result of having too many posts with your keyword-stuffed signature. goes in waves....I pawned texas life insurance for late 2012 I fell off the map for it...did not do a thing to site or its back again after about 4 to 5 I make up my SEO as I go along......