- 8,707
They also sell "30 year term" That is not guaranteed 30 years. Most of their agents will argue that it is. Till you show them a policy.
I think you could say the vast majority of the problem with Primarica is it is the first stop or first and only stop meaning there is no inflow of industry knowledge except from the upline who got everything from his upline and the same thing is repeated over and over again ad nausem...The case in Point about the declining surrender charges, They were by no means the first to offer declining surrender charges of Deferred Annuities but putting that aside the comment about declining surrender charges would be more appropriate to the 1980s and 90s when Tiered products were more common, yes I'm aware of tiered products still existing but when you see a client has an annuity without being told the company name or product name is your first thought tiered product or declining surrender charge...The other thing is they go around talking about not charging fees...No Sh*t sherlock your not an RIA and will talk about fees in competitors VAs and Mutual Funds but seem clueless about the same fees in their own Mutual Funds...Have you ever had a conversation with a Primerica Rep and yes I mean one that is actually a Registered Rep and say your talking about American Funds Balanced Fund and he will say and this is a quote from a Primerica Rep
"Yes we offer American Balanced Fund A share as well but if you really want to do right by your client you would work with Primerica as we don't charge Fees"
No we are talking about the same fund same share class and I would be disclosing the Front End Sales Charge and on going cost and this guy comes in and says we don't charge fees he is either and *** or liar.