Signed Up with Primerica

Well it is what it is. As for PPL there are no recruiting requirements and people can get to the higher commission levels from personal production. Some products can also be offered as a group benefit. Some people only market group plans. As for product cost compared to what?

Not to also mention PPL is a NYSE company. PPD: Summary for Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. C- Yahoo! Finance

**Please take note of some of the major holders. I'm sure many have investigated the company.

With all that being said as we disagree the respected companies will move right along doing business as they do business.

PRI: PRI Major Holders | Primerica, Inc. Common Stock Stock - Yahoo! Finance

I'm not defending PFS..It's just it is what it is.
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I don't know what else to say maybe I will find out for myself who knows couple of months down the line I will be saying yeh you guys are right I quit Primerica does not work. But then again, I have to ask myself what about the many agents who started here have their own offices and make a pretty good living, then Primerica worked whethere its over priced a scheme or what not...damn it it worked for them. How do you say to a guy like Keith Otto Primerica does not work when the guy makes over $3million a year with Primerica. The guy today does not write one policy cuz he has over 300 RVPs working under him. Like I posted earlier, you can google his name. The guy went from plumber, karate instructor to not doing a damn thing. OK maybe the company the way it does business sucks but its publicly traded and its been around for 33 years and no scheme company will last that long or let alone let it run that long without the SEC or whoever having somethign to say about it. Mybe im being stubborn.
spali1981 do whatever works for you. Something to consider is the market place today. To build a business with over 300 RVP's is not as easy as it once was. From my name search it says he has been at PFS for over 20 years.Today you have competition for those people that are willing to work on a part-time basis. Not to also mention all the information that's on the net about different products and organizations. Here are a few. Capital Choice Financial Services , HBW Insurance & Financial Services, Inc. , and this one has loads of info on PFS
Former Primerica RVP Builds his Own Company

Back in the day the big run was on BTID because it was being fueled by the baby boomers, well today the baby boomers are looking for guarantees and safety. As for investing there is a big push going on towards the series 65. It's a different ball game today.

Here's something else to consider. If you ask around people can tell you about the glory days of A.L Williams. Back then the part-time sales force was running about 250,000 agents strong. Today it's said to be hanging around 100K, why? Also back then they didn't have the internet where people can go and get a ball park on rates or hear about low rates on TV which can get people to get the Term shopping bug. - Term life insurance comparisons (over 100 companies)

So go where you feel is best for you but understand PFS is not the only game in town. You have to understand when you post to a board there are some people who have been there and done that but just won't blast the company. Not all things are for all people and for some people Primerica is where they need to be. Then the question becomes is it client first or company first. That's when the debate between being captive and independent comes into play.

The company doesn't suck they just have their way of doing business. If PFS is your vehicle just work the system and I'm sure you will get to where you want to be just don't base it on what people did years ago because it's not the same ball field.
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"Mybe im being stubborn. "

Well, if that's what you want to call it.

Is this really because you have doubts about passing the CPA exam? It seems to me that if that is your main focus as you stated eariler, you should be spending all your time working towards that goal. All this other dabbling just distracts you from that goal. It's like when agents decide to clean their office rather than prospect.

Good Luck, I think you may need it.
Go for it. $3 million a year for doing nothing, Beats working as a CPA.

I myself love Primerica.

I don't know what else to say maybe I will find out for myself who knows couple of months down the line I will be saying yeh you guys are right I quit Primerica does not work. But then again, I have to ask myself what about the many agents who started here have their own offices and make a pretty good living, then Primerica worked whethere its over priced a scheme or what not...damn it it worked for them. How do you say to a guy like Keith Otto Primerica does not work when the guy makes over $3million a year with Primerica. The guy today does not write one policy cuz he has over 300 RVPs working under him. Like I posted earlier, you can google his name. The guy went from plumber, karate instructor to not doing a damn thing. OK maybe the company the way it does business sucks but its publicly traded and its been around for 33 years and no scheme company will last that long or let alone let it run that long without the SEC or whoever having somethign to say about it. Mybe im being stubborn.
Oh boy.....First welcome to the forum. This forum has a wealth of information and FACTS that you might not become aware of from your upline at Primerica. You have already noticed that the company pushes term policies and have noticed the prices seem high compared to NYL term a carrier that is not know for low premiums either and you should ask yourself what do you get for this higher premium, if the worst was to happen and your buy term invest the difference approach does not work out and you need your life coverage for longer than you anticipated and your health has declined do you have the option to convert your policiy to a WL or UL policy of course you already know the answer which is no.

One of the main issues you will face in your stint with Primerica is that you now have a hammer and will be faced with prospects in need of a screwdriver.

Welcome to the forum as well. ( I am new myself )

I was just wondering what commission percentage Primerica pays its agents.

You know that if you broker for insurers such as Jackson National, Mutual of Omaha and others that you will get at least 90% commission on the Term Life Insurance policies that you sell.