Simp Issue 20yr Term

my friend that referred this person to me, informed me that she came out at table 5 due to her build. He says she has a big build and is heavy.
my friend that referred this person to me, informed me that she came out at table 5 due to her build. He says she has a big build and is heavy.

Table 5 with Primerica I presume? How long ago was this?
Table 5 with Primerica I presume? How long ago was this?

I assumed she was table 5 with the company he writes for (one of the big insurance companies), I don't feel comfortable saying which one but I do know they are picky (to a degree) on who they write.

I will be calling her tomorrow to set up a meeting and get more info.
I agree that Shalom is going about this the right way. If she can find a better deal for an apples to apples comparison she will gain the applicant's trust and can then educate her as to why WL or GUL would be better choices.

If you try to change types of insurance even though WE know they are better options, the consumer has been educated by Primerica, Dave Ramsey, and the media to think anyone selling anything other than term is a scam artist. Once you show you can get a better term deal, then you can try to educate.

You wouldn't believe the number of people who have term these days and think term means lifelong coverage and everything else is inferior.
client has weight issues (this is a referral have not met them yet).
dob 09/01/1952. 59 1/2 female no tobacco

She would like 20 year term simp issue 50-75k
Which companies would you suggest I look at?

What is her height/weight?
Thanks JD, can you give me a quote so I know the ballpark? My intention is to meet with her and give her all her options. I just needed someplace to start.

From what I understand it is mostly her weight that is hurting her. Can you recommend a company that has a liberal to no weight policy?

I looked it up last night. I forgot to post it. It was about $50/mo for $50,000 face at 60 years ols, {they use age nearst on the term}.

If she is on disability it's a no go with them. I think you said that she was working so that's a non isue. They are fairly liberal on the build but not super friendly. How much overweisght is she? It's an accept/reject application I believe. Meaning they do not table rate it. I could be wrong on that as I don't write much of it. Might want to check with AmAm.

The price is reasonable for simplified issue. I wrote one a month ago and I checked Americo, Foresters and a few others and AmAm had the best rate. I could have saved that guy quite a bit of money with fully underwritten but he was adamant in not doing a paramed.
Other options are Assurity NonMed Term 350 (which was already mentioned) and United Home Life. But not enough details were given for any meaningful underwriting decision or rates.