Simplified Issue Whole Life 35 Yr Old

You should really seek out an upline such as 360 financial. You have several choices . This is something you should had learned on your first day of training

Correction. It's something that should have been addressed when his upline was helping him choose companies to contract with. This is actually something that is covered pre-training. That's a big hole to leave open.

That's why it's so important to seek out up line such as He has several choices.
Correction. It's something that should have been addressed when his upline was helping him choose companies to contract with. This is actually something that is covered pre-training. That's a big hole to leave open.

That's why it's so important to seek out up line such as — Your inside track to selling more, making more and working smarter. He has several choices.

Newby is too shy to do any self promotion but if I were looking for an upline, I would choose :yes:

On the subject of "self promotion".. My first District manager insisted we crow a little when we had a good week... He would always tell us, "He that shall not toot his own tooter, shan't have his tooter tooted."
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Newby is too shy to do any self promotion but if I were looking for an upline, I would choose :yes: On the subject of "self promotion".. My first District manager insisted we crow a little when we had a good week... He would always tell us, "He that shall not toot his own tooter, shan't have his tooter tooted."

Thank you Rouse. Just throwing it out there because you know his next would I ever find these magic companies you speak of?

Any new agent needs to make sure their up line helps them select companies that make sense together and cover all the obvious bases (young ages, diabetics with insulin, COPD, debit express cards, fatties, etc.) If they aren't doing that most basic step, you really do have a bad choice for an up line. The three mentioned FexContracting, 360, and Todd King are all good choices. But only with Fex do you get a Christmas card from Newby.

But I don't think you should toot your own tooter in public. Some states have laws against that.
Or if he doesn't really need WL then American National Exec UL is non-med up to $250k. For $25k he's only looking $16/mo. to guarantee to 100.