So I hear Cigna is going to

Re: So I hear Cigna is going to screw us out of a commision

I think maybe some perspective is needed. Cigna has only been in the individual market for a few years and only in a handful of states.

I'm not sure how many brokers have any significant portion of their business with Cigna but it's not many. I know this much - out of 1,000+ association members this is how many called or emailed me over the Cigna issue: zero.
Re: So I hear Cigna is going to screw us out of a commision

I'm not sure how many brokers have any significant portion of their business with Cigna but it's not many. I know this much - out of 1,000+ association members this is how many called or emailed me over the Cigna issue: zero.

Maybe your agents are not selling it because they have no GA's and no advances? I understand the cash flow challenges as earned.

In Texas their pricing is VERY competitive, and growing more competitive each quarter. In some areas I would say they are downright UNDER priced.

If they stick with it, I can see them as a HUGE long term player.
Re: So I hear Cigna is going to screw us out of a commision

Unless you are in one if those states and they come in $100/mo lower than the next guy...
Re: So I hear Cigna is going to screw us out of a commision

And will become even more minimaler . . . or something like that.
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Just made a suggestion via my rep.

You submit a family app and the kid turns out to be GI. Split the child off to a separate policy with zero commissions. Rest of the family on the original plan with std commissions.
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Re: So I hear Cigna is going to screw us out of a commision

why is OBAMA not going after the drug company's to lower the price's on their products.....
Re: So I hear Cigna is going to screw us out of a commision

I don't know but we can find out. Obama's meeting with Pharma was public and broadcast on CSPAN so we could see...oh....wait, it was a closed door private session.

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Re: So I hear Cigna is going to screw us out of a commision

They got concessions, kind of, from pharma already. Everyone hates insurance companies so they are an easier target for his bully pulpit.

Of course his mantra is to blame others rather than offering something that will actually work.

Blame Bush. Blame insurance carriers. Blame Republicans.

But what about your wasted and failed stimulus money?

Bush gave us a bigger mess than we anticipated. Had we not done what we did when we did, unemployment would have been at least 15%. Yes, we did spend $160,000 per job saved or created, but so what? Our plan is working.