Someone told me GCU pulled the plug on fe sales

Like in a "Hey, we don't know how to run a company kinda way."

I think far too many of the CEO's think, "It's been around this long, it will be here after I'm gone."

Not if you screw it up due to your incompetence. Far too many intelligent incompetent leaders now days. Look at the nation.

Shall I go on...?
Least i'm getting paid again

Mine went from me owing them money, which I challenged, to them paying me again and them stopped paying again. I have a commission report dated April 7 that I have not been paid on nor any since. But no communications from them except the generic Friday email they send everyone.

Maybe I owe them money again? I don't see how it's possible. I'm supposed to be as earned with them. I have 100% persistency with them. Not much way to mess that us. But they have.