Stand Alone Accident Plans and Critical Illness

I'm currently looking for a solid accident plan to attach to GRs HSA100 - please send me the details;

Every time I look into an accident plan the underwriting company is operating out of Apt 1C - always some off-brand name "American National Federated Patriot Health Co."
I would be interested in a quality accident plan. Would like to here if any of you have any claims paying experience with companies.
If you're appointed with AIG they just came out with a new accident plan and you can add a CI rider, doesn't cover as many of the CIs as the stand alone plans but it's okay. Easy to do, only 4 questions for underwriting the CI.
A lot of carrier are getting on board with this accident option, which can make this a more respectable add on.

Most associations eventually go out of business. VBA is pretty solid, but how the story will end - I can not tell you. They have treated us good, but their welcome kit is slow to arrive an in my opinion looks unprofessional.

If the carriers would start paying respectable real world commissions on these "add ons" more agents would sell it. When associations pay 30 to 80% range and the carrier add ons pay 10 to 20%, a lot of agents push the third party company operating out of someone's garage.
If you're appointed with AIG they just came out with a new accident plan and you can add a CI rider, doesn't cover as many of the CIs as the stand alone plans but it's okay. Easy to do, only 4 questions for underwriting the CI.

Do you know what the payout is on the plan?
I'm at 100% on 30 year term and my pay-out on the Accident Plus is 40% first year and 5% renewals.