Startup Costs For Telesales

As a matter of fact, in the two hours it would have taken me to drive there and back (not counting a stop at Starbucks to read the Wall Street Journal) I could call 100 prospects

I do the vast majority of my business by phone. However, most of my stuff is from inbound calls, direct referrals or calling my clients. I am not going to go out and door knock every day, not my thing. However, I am not going to sit at home endlessly dialing for dollars either. That would have me eat my gun before DK'g.

But the bottom line is that the call Ins have increased by multiples this year. And it's not any advertising that I have done. We basically just maintain our existing base.

Same here. The more advertising out there the better. I am only one guy so prospects will never dry up for me.

Don't be close minded like Barry. There are so many way to do this business that work. I've tried them all(not done much telesales, but have done plenty of my own telemarketing)I like a mixture.

Bingo. I pick and choose how I do my business. Everyone's method here is wrong, but mine. for me. When I decide mine is wrong, I will just change it.

Can I get a vote on who thinks JD in this thread would be a kick in the ass?

Wino = Aye!
Since you don't ever post a picture of yourself I'll bet you look like the jackass in your avatar!


Looks like you can't see too well. Better clean those glasses. :laugh:
Agree phone SALES is out...but who's selling on the phone? No one is sold life insurance - people BUY life insurance.

I'm just taking the order from the prospect that requested the product after seeing the ad and chatting with my automated chatbot. They've already sold themselves - I'm just keeping them on the line for the carrier to do their phone interview...

Ask Danny Ray how he does $35k/month - never ever selling anything? Anthony Martin sells nothing either for over $750k. They fill the order. In their PJs.

Oh ok you're not really dejecting door knocking as a component within a sales strategy as much as simply dejecting selling itself. Basically like the recent Cardone vs Belfort debate, it's marketing vs sales.

I got kids younger than your great grandkids so there!

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Very cute dog. :1cool: