
Unless someone’s in la la land few of any type non bs T-65 letter or card is getting much over 1%.Heck any type of direct mail getting over 1% in most states is good . I got friends in Ohio that are traveling out of state as direct mail responses are terrible . I’ve always heard Ohio super tough on dm .With brokers having to pay much of their own expenses going forward i see a mass migration to the t-65 market for medicare agents . Example . Mapd prorated pays $200 for a may 1 enrollment . How can i pay $80 plus per lead ? A agent will need the $710 new to medicare

I have only just moved to OH and only am running first sequence of letters

But In TN I had to stop I did do 100% close ratio but I lost money on he mailers I def did less then 1% I would have kept doing it at 1% all day long with 100% close ratio

and the sequence of letters are not my own its one that other agents have had success with so I assume it was the area

But listen I am very happy is I can make my money back in 1st year commission I am very happy to prophet just on renewals in a high intent marketing piece like that
Caveats, I am NOT an agent. I am NOT confronted daily with the emotional stress of trying to pay my bills selling these products.

In the FE section, over the years, I have seen an experienced FE agent living and working in State A, talk about "all the agents" from State A "who can't sell there" going to State B to sell. But then there are "all the agents" from State B "who can't sell there" coming to State A to sell.
I'm in Southwest Georgia. I can go west and be in Alabama in about an hour. And about the same towards the south and I'm in Florida.

For 40 years now, I've had friends that would load up the car and head for Alabama to work all week. Another group would head to Florida to work. And I'm sure both AL and FL had guys coming over here.

I always avoided the mid point. The last thing I needed was a 10 car pile up.
I wish you'd told me this sooner. But that could be because I don't know a guy.

@MedicareAgent told you just now how she's doing it. And I told you the same thing a year or so ago.

Maybe we don't know the right guy.

Medicare agent has said a lot if outrageous things in the past . You or she run the mailer , show me the mail piece , show me the returns . I’ll apologize publicly I was very wrong if I’m wrong . I got friends running mailers , postcards all over the country and there response very low
Caveats, I am NOT an agent. I am NOT confronted daily with the emotional stress of trying to pay my bills selling these products.

In the FE section, over the years, I have seen an experienced FE agent living and working in State A, talk about "all the agents" from State A "who can't sell there" going to State B to sell. But then there are "all the agents" from State B "who can't sell there" coming to State A to sell.
It’s not about can I sell there . You drop me anywhere in the country I can sell . BUT HOW MUCH DO THE LEADS COST . Returns very low in Ohio . I’m sure Newby can verify Ohio direct mail tough .He has agents there .
Funny, I've never seen that. I don't know the lady but I respect her and trust her.

But that's not the problem. She said letters not mailers. I said the same thing. Personalized letters.
Personalized letters require them to call you . So Medicare lady’s 7% means you mail 300 you get 21 calls . Scott’s program does personalized letters .He can tell us if his letters get 7% callbacks . From what I’ve read that’s not the case
Personalized letters require them to call you . So Medicare lady’s 7% means you mail 300 you get 21 calls . Scott’s program does personalized letters .He can tell us if his letters get 7% callbacks . From what I’ve read that’s not the case
Since you're hung up on her 7%, what if I told you I could get 10?

Many years ago, I was a PPGA for State Life. They had a direct mail piece for new parents.

I took it and tweaked it. I sent a personalized letter to new parents offering a silver feeding spoon with a reply card. I averaged right at 10%. And I sold a boat load of life insurance on the parents.

Guess what those parents are doing today. Yep, medicare.
Unless someone’s in la la land few of any type non bs T-65 letter or card is getting much over 1%.Heck any type of direct mail getting over 1% in most states is good . I got friends in Ohio that are traveling out of state as direct mail responses are terrible . I’ve always heard Ohio super tough on dm .With brokers having to pay much of their own expenses going forward i see a mass migration to the t-65 market for medicare agents . Example . Mapd prorated pays $200 for a may 1 enrollment . How can i pay $80 plus per lead ? A agent will need the $710 new to medicare
The thing is call centers agents hate t65 calls, the sales cycle is to long, they get paid on today sales, not 6 months from today going active, medicare Bob always said that his agents would do everything they could to move on to the next lead, His shop before selling was a med sup rewrite machine, I'm closing people this week that I first talked to 6 months ago and took them through the medicare process, I'm good with the long game , most are not
It’s not about can I sell there . You drop me anywhere in the country I can sell . BUT HOW MUCH DO THE LEADS COST . Returns very low in Ohio . I’m sure Newby can verify Ohio direct mail tough .He has agents there .

This is concerning

I only started in Oh I was in TN before

I only just begun my first sequence here and I was hoping for better then TN because it was not working there