15 years ago when I first heard about the possibility of autonomous vehicles, I really hoped they’d come along quickly. I spend so much time looking through a windshield, I thought it would be great to have a car drive itself so I could get my admin work done while on the road. Now it sounds like it will never really work that way, at least in my lifetime.

I also plan on working my debit agency as long as possible, hopefully well into my 70’s or 80’s. I thought a self driver would extend my working years beyond the date when my kids demand my keys! But I’m turning 65 this summer. Doesn’t seem like it’s gonna happen in time to help me.

Oh, well.

Maybe I could hire a chauffeur. Still might be less out of pocket than owning a Tesla!
Maybe I could hire a chauffeur. Still might be less out of pocket than owning a Tesla!

There was a crusty old agent here in California who had his daughter get licensed. She drove him around the state in his Lincoln. He wrote larger premium policies.

I wound up AORing his book from his wife and daughter. He died well into his 80s and was still working to the end. He was definitely old school. Rate books, f2f, and pick up a check.
There was a crusty old agent here in California who had his daughter get licensed. She drove him around the state in his Lincoln. He wrote larger premium policies.

I wound up AORing his book from his wife and daughter. He died well into his 80s and was still working to the end. He was definitely old school. Rate books, f2f, and pick up a check.
I knew of a lady here in Texas who was still actively servicing her debit book, F2F, at 102 years old! She paid a younger family member to drive her around. (I promise that’s not a “Texas tall tale”. It’s really true! Somebody at the home office said she was still sending in collection reports up until just a few years ago.)
I knew of a lady here in Texas who was still actively servicing her debit book, F2F, at 102 years old! She paid a younger family member to drive her around. (I promise that’s not a “Texas tall tale”. It’s really true! Somebody at the home office said she was still sending in collection reports up until just a few years ago.)
Ok, that reminded me of another story. Several years ago I was summoned to go across the street because the old lady that lived there had a housekeeper that needed life insurance. Well, the boss lady was 100 years old at the time, and turned out to be a retired life insurance agent. She was the first female agent in her company, and a top producer throughout her career. She had an album full of pictures of her receiving awards, company trips, etc.

She had the housekeeper come in and sit down. I started my presentation, but at the first sign of resistance she jumped in and took over. She sold that policy while I just watched, listened and learned. I felt like I should split the commission somehow! She was sharp as a tack, and very impressive!
I knew of a lady here in Texas who was still actively servicing her debit book, F2F, at 102 years old! She paid a younger family member to drive her around. (I promise that’s not a “Texas tall tale”. It’s really true! Somebody at the home office said she was still sending in collection reports up until just a few years ago.)

A lady truly after my own heart.
Yes. But understand that our grandkids will probably never drive a car.

This is happening and the tech will get better.

Orville Wright almost died in a plane crash (and his passenger did). It will happen and that's unfortunate but in 20-30 years, I can't see many people manually driving at all.
Too late for that. My grandkids already drive cars.