This is like a "fantasy" thread.

Is that a bad thing?

Commercial airlines have autopilots . . . except for takeoff and landing, the plan is on auto. When rough weather happens the human pilot takes over. Autopilots are great but not perfect.

Payne Stewart's plane flew on autopilot from FL to SD long after the pilot and all passengers had passed out from hypoxia. The plane kept flying on its' own until it ran out of fuel.

Sometimes you really need a human driver/pilot . .
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Is that a bad thing?

Commercial airlines have autopilots . . . except for takeoff and landing, the plan is on auto. When rough weather happens the human pilot takes over. Autopilots are great but not imperfect.

I don't think self driving cars is a fantasy. I have a pollen headache, so I'm not going to bore you with a lengthy opinion, but reading this thread is like sitting in a teenage bull session.
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The most dangerous component of driving is the human. For every accident involving an auto-piloted vehicle, there are 1000's of accidents involving human error.
A grown man making fun of a child is disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Morals matter.

Doesnt matter if you disagree with her. She is a child. There is no reason in the world for you to make fun of a child.

You need to take a long hard look in the mirror and try to figure out why those who are different than you make you so scared.

She isn't a child she is 19yrs old
Bring the robots... NOW!!!

BTW it will happen "I've solve real world AI...Problem is will need around 50 -100K extra per car possibly

Give me ~10 years tops I promise...

No. Certain people had difficulty understanding the concept of what global warming is and does to our planet. So some people started using an easier to understand name for it.

Scientific data has always shown a warming trend ever since the industrial revolution.


We were actually in a cooling trend before the industrial revolution. So we literally reversed the trend the earth was in before we started burning fossil fuels...

There always has been snow in Hawaii at elevations above 9000 feet.

There is snow all over the globe no matter the location when elevations exceed 9000 feet.

No they werent. It was a theory posed by a single study that was examining a single point in time. Most of the scientific community disagreed with the findings. Just because news outlets published articles about it does not mean it was considered scientific fact.

The existing studies that looked at much more info over a much longer period all refuted that study. And in a few short years, temperatures on earth proved that studies predictions incorrect as well.

Even the author of the original news article published about the study said it was just a theory and not scientific fact. Both in the article and afterwards in many interviews.

And it has never changed this rapidly except under extraordinary circumstances, such as a super volcano erupting or asteroid hitting the earth.

And the oil companies dont agree with you. They just cover up the truth: Geoffrey Supran.pdf

(This is a presentation by a harvard professor who thoroughly documented the studies oil companies performed and then denied existed. It was recently presented to Congressional Committees)

This article summarizes much of it:
Big oil and gas kept a dirty secret for decades. Now they may pay the price

"In 1979, an Exxon study said that burning fossil fuels “will cause dramatic environmental effects” in the coming decades.

“The potential problem is great and urgent,” it concluded."

this is a better and more accurate chart...liberal IQ.png