Oh yeah, the lefties of today definitely left you behind with their censorship, cancel culture, 31 genders and "men can get pregnant" schtick.

It's so funny you mention this. The old school liberals in many situations are hardly discernable from conservatives in many scenarios. Over the last few decades they've definitely veered hard, hard left into wacky town.

Um.. If you don't think the Right digs in on censorship I have a rude awaking for you; same for cancel culture...

I'll totally agree that people (everyone, FYI) puts too much concern about gender and gender roles. Who cares what a person wants to call themself? Does it matter? Seriously.. does it do ANYTHING to you or the way you live?

If it doesn't, it's noise.

You're kind of obsessed with this "men can have babies thing.." Who cares is females that identify as a man can get pregnant or not?
If the left thought Trump was bad, just watch what happens if they keep pushing.

Um.. You should really analyze what you're saying here. Basically, because a group of people feel allienated (namely because "men can have babies" or whatever foolishness you latch onto) it's okay for them to elect a person that is undermining the entire system (and not in a revolutionary way.)

Welp.. if you think that's okay.. go ahead and vote in another Trump, or Trump like person.

Frankly, we're already in an area where we're separating the states by a Conservative SCOTUS decision. Only one thing left to do to make it a full Civil War 2..
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Um.. You should really analyze what you're saying here. Basically, because a group of people feel allienated (namely because "men can have babies" or whatever foolishness you latch onto) it's okay for them to elect a person that is undermining the entire system (and not in a revolutionary way.)
Many of us bring up "men can have babies" because it's a great example of how silly and over the top the left is being. It's not just being told that men can have babies. Its 31 genders. It's being told I'm an oppressor because I'm white and male. Toxic because I'm male. It's having race constantly brought up while I'm busy just trying to treat everyone the same. It's being told as a business owner I'm oppressing women because they make less, while its mostly because they choose to work less hours and work lower paying jobs, and are therefore paid less. I told I'm a nut because I support the 2nd amendment. I'm just getting started - I can keep going. I'm not latching onto it. Its being waved in my face. One of the women that works under me decided to accuse me of racial and sexual harassment so she could have her little social justice lefty moment. There were witnesses and she was totally in the wrong. Luckily I'm a nice guy so I didn't have her removed.

I'm not latching onto anything, I'm genuinely concerned about my livelihood and future.

I can start describing a nearby city that outlawed straws to protect the environment, but lets people poop in the street and shoot heroin and smoke crack, if you like. That's not "latching on", that's peoples lives being destroyed. I'm willing to elect a guy that tweets mean things to push against it - you betcha.

How long will the left keep pushing until I get taxed for being white? Taxed for being a man? Have my right to own a gun taken away?
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Um.. You should really analyze what you're saying here. Basically, because a group of people feel allienated (namely because "men can have babies" or whatever foolishness you latch onto) it's okay for them to elect a person that is undermining the entire system (and not in a revolutionary way.)

Welp.. if you think that's okay.. go ahead and vote in another Trump, or Trump like person.

Frankly, we're already in an area where we're separating the states by a Conservative SCOTUS decision. Only one thing left to do to make it a full Civil War 2..
Just curious:Trump is undermining the whole system because he claims the 2020 election was stolen. Hillary has been claiming the 2016 election was stolen for 6 years but no one calls her a liar must less claim she is inciting insurection. Why is that?