This is a lie. Have you ever heard of fact checking?

Wait what A lie ?

You kidding me right

This was a bad dude even the lib news had some small articles about it they just didn't want to have it on live news or where it would be noticed too much but they did mention it in small articles Guess so they wouldnt be accused of hiding it

Actually this is what I meant to cite when I said it was a lie.

But the other isn't true either. That picture isn't of the girl named. The incident referenced happened in 2007, and the girl was roughed up a bit, but it wasn't by Floyd. I'm not trying to clear his name, but even if what was said was true, and he is (was) a bad dude, it didn't justify killing him.

Look, someone said something about a Dem playbook. Well, someone here is practicing what has become the Rep playbook, which relates back to the Harry Truman quote. We're being bombarded with misinformation with the expectation that we will accept it as truth. You can fact check just about anything and find out most of what has been put on here is wrong. Of course, that's where the fake news trope comes into play. How can I disprove something if my sources are fake? Isn't that Catch-22? Intentionally so.

And just the sheer volume of the lies is meant to make you give up. And it's going to work. I'm not going to rebut anything relating to this any more. I never intended to get into this in the first place. I was just trying to support SC since he seemed to be the lone defender of the truth.

Oh, and to end this: Mr. Rouse: When Hillary said that about stolen, she A. Was talking about Russian interference (which is true - see Mueller) B. She hasn't tried to impugn the reputations of poll workers, SOSs, AGs, governors, etc., saying the entire country is either for her or cheaters; C. She didn't incite insurrection, and D, She conceded.
Actually this is what I meant to cite when I said it was a lie.

But the other isn't true either. That picture isn't of the girl named. The incident referenced happened in 2007, and the girl was roughed up a bit, but it wasn't by Floyd. I'm not trying to clear his name, but even if what was said was true, and he is (was) a bad dude, it didn't justify killing him.

Look, someone said something about a Dem playbook. Well, someone here is practicing what has become the Rep playbook, which relates back to the Harry Truman quote. We're being bombarded with misinformation with the expectation that we will accept it as truth. You can fact check just about anything and find out most of what has been put on here is wrong. Of course, that's where the fake news trope comes into play. How can I disprove something if my sources are fake? Isn't that Catch-22? Intentionally so.

And just the sheer volume of the lies is meant to make you give up. And it's going to work. I'm not going to rebut anything relating to this any more. I never intended to get into this in the first place. I was just trying to support SC since he seemed to be the lone defender of the truth.

Oh, and to end this: Mr. Rouse: When Hillary said that about stolen, she A. Was talking about Russian interference (which is true - see Mueller) B. She hasn't tried to impugn the reputations of poll workers, SOSs, AGs, governors, etc., saying the entire country is either for her or cheaters; C. She didn't incite insurrection, and D, She conceded.
There was no justification for his death. The moral of the story is DON'T resist arrest. As far as justification...a statue, a street named after him, murals, lootings and riote in his name and 3 funerals were not justified.

No Russian Collusion( by Trump).

Former Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook says Clinton agreed to give Trump-Russia material to reporter

Hillary still doesn't accept her loss.

There was no justification for his death. The moral of the story is DON'T resist arrest. As far as justification...a statue, a street named after him, murals, lootings and riote in his name and 3 funerals were not justified.

No Russian Collusion( by Trump).

Former Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook says Clinton agreed to give Trump-Russia material to reporter

Hillary still doesn't accept her loss.

Even now after the truth has come out you still hear Mueller report Mueller proof prrof report

Since it came out I have asked chapter and page of proof I usual get silence or the occasional the whole thing but no one can point to where exactly in the Mueller report is this amazing proof

I have even pointed this out to win411 with no responses

And I have asked all over the internet even in the most libbie places No one seems to know