And what about the Dems trying to overthrow the 2016 election. Don't hear much about Hillary pushing the fake Russian Collusion, knowing it was made up. Look at how much time and money have been wasted, and it further divided the country.

Ya know that really came out to be BS recent info links right to Hilary too and you would think it would be more then a small article on CNN once posted and to never be talked about
Only 1 party tried to overthrow an election.

Only 1 party is actively trying to pass laws on the state level to discard citizens votes and allow state legislatures to choose electors.

Keep up the good fight, SC. Though I expect if you do, they'll lump you in with toolbelt and block you.

As Truman said:

“The dictators of the world say that if you tell a lie often enough, why, people will believe it. Well, if you tell the truth often enough, they’ll believe it and go along with you.”

The problem is we can't agree on which side is lying. It amazes me that these otherwise intelligent people have bought into the orange man's lies. Had he remained a democrat, I wonder, would they have seen through his bull shit then?
Keep up the good fight, SC. Though I expect if you do, they'll lump you in with toolbelt and block you.

As Truman said:

“The dictators of the world say that if you tell a lie often enough, why, people will believe it. Well, if you tell the truth often enough, they’ll believe it and go along with you.”

The problem is we can't agree on which side is lying. It amazes me that these otherwise intelligent people have bought into the orange man's lies. Had he remained a democrat, I wonder, would they have seen through his bull shit then?

I had never voted for any republican in my life until 2020. I'm a liberal. There isn't a single thing I believe due to Donald Trump saying it. I'm well aware of many lies he has told. I think his biggest opportunity to do good was to "drain the swamp", and that opportunity was blown due his weakness and narcissism.

Both "sides" are lying. This is because political parties (of which we have essentially 2) exist for one purpose; to win elections. Not to push for specific things they believe will make things better in any way. Not to uphold any ideals or values. To them, a commitment to honesty or consistent principles is immoral, as it could lead to losing elections. Losing elections means the other "side" gets power, which both "sides" believe is objectively bad for the country. That is the totality of what our politics is now.
I had never voted for any republican in my life until 2020.. There isn't a single thing I believe due to Donald Trump saying it. I'm well aware of many lies he has told. I think his biggest opportunity to do good was to "drain the swamp", and that opportunity was blown due his weakness and narcissism.

Both "sides" are lying. This is because political parties (of which we have essentially 2) exist for one purpose; to win elections. Not to push for specific things they believe will make things better in any way. Not to uphold any ideals or values. To them, a commitment to honesty or consistent principles is immoral, as it could lead to losing elections. Losing elections means the other "side" gets power, which both "sides" believe is objectively bad for the country. That is the totality of what our politics is now.
Are you SURE you're a Liberal? :skeptical::twitchy: